Top 5 most wanted DC Multiverse live action Batman film figures

Mcfarlane has been delving more and more into the live action realm of the DC Multiverse with his action figure line recently with the release of whole waves dedicated to both The Dark Knight trilogy as well as Batman and Robin (as seen above). I am all for more live action representation in the line, and we've seen it continue with single releases such as Ben Affleck's BvS Batman design and Hathaway's Catwoman, not to mention Michael Keaton's original Batman suit. It seems that the live action Batman films are ripe sources for Mcfarlane at the moment, and looking at all our live action interpretations from the years, these are my most wanted figures from across the Batman film franchise. 

5. Batman (Batman Begins)

Ever since the reveal of The Dark Knight wave of figures this is one people have been clamoring for. While not as dynamic as the later Dark Knight suit, the Batman Begins suit is where it began for the Bale iteration of Batman and still looks great as a suit. With the Scarecrow from the film already produced, this would be a great companion piece, and would hopefully pave the way for more Batman Begins figures!

4. Catwoman (Batman Returns)

We've gotten 2/3 of the live action film Catwomen in the DC Multiverse line up to this point with both the Catwomen from The Batman and Dark Knight Rises, leaving only the Batman Returns iteration to finish out our film Catwomen (we've even gotten a few from the 66' series). Michelle Pfieffer's Catwoman was a dark, dynamic take on the character with a stitched together costume, and a true feline performance that paints her in a much more villainous role than her later counterparts. 

3. The Penguin (Batman Returns)

Batman Returns hasn't been touched in the toyline yet, and both Catwoman and Penguin would be great figures to get from the film! Mattel actually released a pretty good Devito Penguin near the end of their line, but I would not mind a 7 inch scale Mcfarlane take on the character to further build out the Batman film display we've been building so far. The Penguin also isn't a character who is a stranger to the line either, with us getting multiple versions of him thus far, with Devito's being a welcome addition should he be made. 

2. Riddler (Batman Forever)

Batman Forever has had a bit more representation in the line when compared to Batman Returns, with Val Kilmer's Batman released in the Batman film 6 pack. Next up is the villains from the movie who I would really like to have in figure form. There had been rumors about Mattel making a Jim Carrey Riddler before they lost the DC license, and I would have absolutely loved that. There isn't much sculpting detail needed to bring this figure to life, him wearing true spandex in the movie, but the level of articulation Mcfarlane employs would be fantastic when posing out Carrey's wild depiction of the character. 

1. Batman (BvS Armor)

The release of Ben Affleck's Batman from Batman v Superman is one of my most anticipated figures of recent times, and it seems many other collector's share my excitement with how well it has been selling so far. I hope the releases for Affleck's Batman don't stop there and that they delve deeper into the same film to give us Batman's armored look from his bout with Superman! The Dark Knight Returns figure they released for Armored Batman a couple years ago seemed to slightly blend the comic depiction with the live action version, which was a good demonstration that if they go full on with the live action design it will look fantastic! Guns still seem to be a touchy accessory for the line, and so a kryptonite spear would be incredible to get!


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