Top 5 wanted Star Wars prequel-era Micro Galaxy Squadron ships vol 2

I had always seen myself as an action figure collector, but when Jazwares came out with the announcement that they were making a roughly in-scale toyline of Star Wars ships and vehicles they had me hooked. Not only that, but the line has a broad range beyond just the original trilogy, and there's been a strong presence by the prequel trilogy which is my bread and butter in the Star Wars franchise. Already we've gotten SO many awesome designs from the first three chronological films in the series, and some of my top wants too with Grevious' wheel bike, Pod racers, the Naboo Starfighter, as well as a couple different Separatist units! I'm hoping for even more though as they celebrate The Phantom Menace this year (such an awesome looking Gungan Submarine is coming too!) and these will be my next 5 most wanted Micro Galaxy Squadron Prequel-era Star Wars ship. 

(Following Images Source - unless otherwise stated)

5. Dooku's solar sailer

Seen in the tail half of Attack of the Clones, this is such a unique ship in the galaxy for the huge flag that unfurls in order to carry it across the galaxy. The translucent material utilized for Ventress' Clone Wars ship from wave 1 of the toyline looked great and the same material could be re-used to capture the shimmering effect of Dooku's flag ship. 

4. More Separatist Ship

I've made a whole post talking about the different Confederacy units, ships, and land-based vehicles I want to see in the line so I could fill another whole list with those same ships. I LOVE the designs of the Droid army in the prequel trilogy and there's so many more cool ships that haven't been touched yet. The Hailfire droid is a monster with two giant wheels, the Tri-Fighter is a great rounded design for a space vehicle, and the NR-N99 tank holds special nostalgia for me for its use in the classic Kashyyyk level of Battlefront 2 (2005). 

3. ARC-170

To balance things out from the Droid side of the army I would love for the ARC-170 to be added into the line. We got a hefty amount of Gunships last year to represent the Clone army, not to mention the beastly looking AT-TE releasing this year, but I think some more agile Republic weaponry is in order and this ship would be great to own. 

2. Naboo royal ship

This is a ship that the designers in the line have said before was too big for them to put out, but that they had been thinking about what play features they would include if they could, what rooms on the ship would be present...and now the Dreadnought class exists in the line. The AT-TE is christening the new price point for the line, and with it it is bringing the potential for other larger vessels to be realized in the line which I fully believe can include this miraculous silver Naboo ship from Phantom Menace...which is being celebrated this year! So if we get a second Dreadnought class vehicle this year, they have a perfect choice to go with! One feature that would be so fun to have would to have a panel that pops open to reveal where R2 and the other Astromechs were working to fix the ship early in the film!

1. Coruscant speeders

Some much smaller vehicles take the top spot in the list, those being the only vehicles still left over from the first version of this list! The opening of Attack of the Clones has always been one of my favorite sequences in a Star Wars film, the chance to really see an older Anakin in action for the first time, with his master Obi Wan, with a great exploration of Coruscant itself and what it is like to fly through the planet. Both speeders involved in the opening chase look awesome, but Zam's in particular resonates with me. I love the shade of green, the two pronged design, and with the Lego version always eluding me as a child I hope to finally replace it with getting a Micro Galaxy Squadron version these days. 


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