Top 5 most wanted Fondjoy DC Comics movie figures


Fondjoy and their newer line of DC action figures was one that I had seen pictures of every now and again, but after recently watching a review of the Dawn of Justice Batman from a Youtuber I follow the line is much more on my radar now! Exceptionally articulation and paint, along with a plethora of accessories, and for a price point I stomach better nowadays since I've began collecting higher price point lines like S.H.Figuarts. Fondjoy's DC Comics line of movie action figures so far seen to be fantastic, with a few looking wonky here and there (specifically headsculpts for Henry Cavill and Heath Ledger) but their newest figures look perfect and I can't wait for the few that I've ordered so far to come in! This line makes me think of the DOA DC Films line DC Direct worked on years ago which I was SO excited for. A high grade, premium line of live action DC action figures! Fondjoy looks to finally be delivering on that idea, and I couldn't be more excited for what the future may bring!

5. Enchantress

The line has mainly stuck with heroes up to this point, and the future is jam packed with Batmen (recent reveals being armored Batfleck, Justice League Batfleck, Robat Batterson Batman, and Ezra Miller's Flash to balance things out), but Fondjoy has shown that 2016's Suicide Squad is on the radar with the release of their Harley Quinn figure, AND that they are not shy towards producing female action figures. Enchantress is a character who has never received a proper action figure, and could be so well done with the intricate details of her costume, the markings across her body, and her headpiece would look so cool if included as an accessory!

4. Captain Boomerang and Ratcatcher 2

Keeping in with the Suicide Squad for this next section, it is a team I really hope to see further built out by Fondjoy's toyline. Captain Boomerang is one of my all time favorite DCEU characters and I'd go for him in either of his costumes from his two movie appearances. His first film attire would match up well with the current Harley, but I also have a strong preference for his design and neon boomerangs from the second film. Alongside him would be Ratcatcher 2, the only core member of the Suicide Squad in the second film not to be made by Mcfarlane when he produced figures for the film. Fondjoy could do a great job capturing her look from the film, both unmasked and masked portraits, the inclusion of her rat, Sebastian, and a fantastic idea of a deluxe stand for her would be a mass of rats!

3. Ares

This list is going to be very heavily dominated by bad guys, and one of the coolest designs from the live action DCEU franchise was Ares. Looking straight out of a Dark Souls videogame, the God of war appeared as the final antagonist in the first Wonder Woman film and the only action figure made was an inaccurate figure based off of concept art (though looked awesome itself). As the line hopefully starts getting into more villains soon it would be great to finally have this scrap iron look for the bad guy captured in plastic form!

2. Ocean Master

There are a few comic book costumes in movies that I think are perfect, and Ocean Master in the first Aquaman film is one of them. Coming straight out of the comics, the film nails the purple and silver design of his costume complete with the mask and red eyes! I was disappointed it did not return in the second film, but my hope is that with Fondjoy already having such a heavy footprint in the Aquaman franchise so far (Aquaman and Mera both being checked off) that means this all star villain design could be slated to receive proper action figure production.

1. General Zod

Those that have read any of my posts before about what DC film characters I want in action figure form could have likely guessed this top spot, and I'll be saying it again because General Zod from Man of Steel is a character and villain design that I sorely want a proper, really good action figure for! DC Films' line almost gave it to us (Along with Faora and Nam...*sigh*...) but that line was cancelled before it could deliver greatness. The accessory options for Zod are clearly apparent with a removable cape, helmet, laser vision eyes, and hands, and after Mcfarlane gave us everyone from the Flash movie aside from Zod, I'm looking to Fondjoy as my next hope to finally deliver one of my favorite comic book movie villains ever.


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