Top 5 most wanted Mandalorian/Fallen Order Hasbro the Black Series figures

Despite the arrival of episode 9 at the end of the year, Hasbro has made it clear that they will be releasing figures to represent the other waves of new Star Wars media coming out. This includes the live action Mandalorian tv show, and the Fallen Order video game which both come out at the end of the year. I'm highly anticipating both, and to go along with that I'll be looking into the Black Series figures that I want most from the two sources so far. Both have been fairly limited on reveals, but there's been enough to make me excited for possible figure representation!
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5. Greef Carga
I'm a big Carl Weathers fan and I'm looking forward to seeing him in the Star Wars universe. While the outfit itself isn't very notable, he is reportably a main character in the show which undoubtedly means that he will be playing a large part and get to do some cool stuff.
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4. Cara Dune
This is another Mandalorian secondary character who is set to play a large role in the series. Her outfit is much more toyetic, looking very much like a hardcore bounty hunter type character, with a large blaster to boot. The toyline is also very slanted in terms of gender diversity, so female characters will always be welcome to me.
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3. Mandalorian/Cal
I group these two together because they're the main characters of each media platform, and I'm not preferring one over the other so far. I love Jedi, and Cal looks like a cool new addition to the Jedi ranks with two looks that I would take either of. The Mandalorian is a bounty hunter which I also love, and takes heavy cues from Jango and Boba Fett, being a Mandalorian himself. They're both cool in their own right, and it'd be a crime if the product push didn't include the main characters.
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2. Second Sister
I believe that there aren't enough Sith in the movies, especially compared to the amount of Jedi we have, so the introduction of the Inquisitors in Rebels was exciting for me because it was a wave of Sith warriors similar to the group of Jedi that the prequels brought us. Another Inquisitor is appearing in this game and I think that would be a perfect toy for the Black Series to release.
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1. Purge Trooper
I am all about troopers, and this is one of the coolest I've seen in a while. I love the black, the design, and the fact that they were trained to go up against Jedi! They're like the Stormtrooper version of Grevious' Magna guards, even carrying similar weapons! Another upside is that their helmet design is either dead on or close to the design of the Airborne trooper from Revenge of the Sith, who could get a repainted figure from this one if the helmet similarity is the case!
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