The Flash S05 EP22 spoiler review

(RIP little runner)

Season five of the Flash has come to its end, and overall I have a lot of mixed feelings about the season. The finale was able to give a satisfying ending and wrapped up a lot of the story points, but also had a lot of negatives for me. Without any further dawdling, here is my review of the 22nd episode of the Flash's season 5, entitled: "Legacy."
(Image Source)

It opened with Ralph taking the blast from the mirror gun to keep the dagger from being destroyed, and instead of vanishing like the satellite core that they tested it on, it morphed Ralph into a geometric mess and rendered him unable to explain his actions until later in the episode. This left the team wondering wondering where to go next until Sherloque managed to deduce Ralph's reasoning, and they deigned ot stop Cicada without destroying the dagger. In the meanwhile while they figured out their plan, Cisco revealed his secret identity to his girlfriend and explained, just like I thought, that he didn't need to reveal his powers so soon to her! They'd only been dating a couple of months, what if they broke up? So I'm glad someone in the show actually said that it was fast for him to be revealing his identity, but she received the news well and Cisco was happy. The team used Cisco's vibes to jolt Ralph's cells back to normal; however, his language synthesis was all wacky so he still couldn't explain himself.

The team eventually formulated their plan of action to take down Cicada 2 who was planning on returning to the particle accelerator explosion in order to kill all metahumans by means of time travel. That plan never felt like it was a likelihood though, it just felt like the writers trying to make her still seem like a threat, which of course she doesn't. By this point in the episode I also want to mention that it didn't feel like a season finale to me, it still felt like a random episode where they were fighting Cicada, it had none of the gravitas of the past season finales, especially season 4 where the team was literally running from Devoe the entire hour to stay alive. Anyway though, the team located Cicada 2's cabin in the woods, teleported her into the force field prison they used in season 1 to trap the Reverse Flash, while Nora connected with the mind of kid Grace to get her permission to use the cure. But why? If she said no, would they have just thrown in the towel? Why do they need the permission of this psychopath? Turns out though that kid Grace didn't even know she was a metahuman, didn't know her uncle was dead, and didn't want to hurt anyone which really conflicts with the last time Nora entered her mind in which Grace actively tried to kill her. But they end up waking Grace up and convincing her to take the cure, which doesn't work because of the dark matter from the shard inside her head. At this point, Cicada 2 also broke out of the force field and returned to the cabin, ready to kill Nora, but Flash used the mirror gun on the dagger to destroy in just in time (Instead of shooting Cicada 2). Somehow, destroying the dagger caused the shard in Grace's head to disappear I guess, so she was cured, and Cicada 2 vanished.

At the same time, the dagger vanished from Reverse Flash in the future so that he was able to escape, only for Nora and Barry to arrive to fight him. It was only the two of them that arrived though, as the rest of Team Flash came to help. I'm not sure what it was but Thawne seemed different here, like he was just one note evil being evil and kind of super campy which was strange. The team whipped him though; however, the changes to the timeline with the destruction of Cicada's dagger meant that Nora's existence was in jeopardy (Wished they had explained how the dagger connected to Nora's existence) so she began to evaporate into nothing! Thawne revealed that Nora was like a daughter to him and that if they ran into the negative speed force they would escape the effects of the timeline change, but Nora resisted as she wanted to be nothing like Thawne. Then after a very devastating goodbye, Nora vanished from existence. I wasn't expecting that at all, out of the whole of season 5 Nora was the character and plot point that I loved the most so seeing her die killed me, especially because I thought she would just go back to her time and be a hero. That was the end of the action though as Reverse Flash escaped, and team Flash lost Nora.

Shortly afterwards, Sherloque left back to his earth, and in a turn of events I anticipated but still felt weird seeing, Cisco asked Caitlin to give him the cure. The Vibe is no more, but the smile of Cisco's face made me feel very warm and I'm happy for him. It doesn't seem like he is leaving the show just yet, but they may just want him to be present for Crisis and after that he'll leave to have his regular life. Joe, Cecile, and Barry were called to the police station by Captain Singh in what is one of my favorite scenes of the episode. Singh had been promoted to police chief, and as his replacement he chose Joe as captain! That wasn't it though, as he also revealed that he knew Barry was the Flash! Singh doesn't get to do a lot on the show, but that moment was still an awesome one. Iris and Barry found Nora's time journal, in which was a video message recorded by Nora before their fight with Cicada 2 in case anything had gone wrong. It was very tragic to watch, knowing that Nora was gone, and her words of thanks made me really sad. While she spoke, the show gave us glimpses of where all the other characters were, with Sherloque spending time with Renee on his earth, Caitlin finding a new suit for herself made by Cisco, Ralph sitting in his office with a file containing the name "Dearbon," (Sue Dearbon, his wife in the comics!), Cisco spending time with Kamilla, and Joe suited up as the new police captain! It was a very tearful goodbye to the character, and the episode ended with her message to her parents telling them thank you. Then we were shown that the date of Flash disappearing in Crisis changed to 2019 rather than several years in the future!

Season 5 really was a mixed bag for me. There was a lot I like, like Nora, but there were things I didn't like such as Dwyer being killed and replaced by a significantly less compelling Cicada, Caitlin's storyline about her father being so abruptly ended by his death (which they didn't mention again), constant introductions of new storylines that would be dropped until several episodes later, and the whole thing felt discombobulated as a whole. I really liked the idea of a metahuman serial killer who saps others of their powers, but the show seemed to lose interest in what to do with the character and by the end the concept remains better in concept. Here's hoping that season 6 will be better, more cohesive, but first it seems we'll be dealing with the impending Crisis!


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