The Flash S05 EP21 spoiler review

(Welcome back Renee, you really aren't a character on this show)

This review is coming a bit late after the episode just because I was busy and didn't have time to write out a whole new post to post after the episode. So a little late, but still before the next episode which is what counts. The season is still bringing back concepts that were introduced several episodes ago and then forgotten, both of which played a major role this episode. So no more wasting time! Here's my review of the episode!
(Image Source)

This was a very Cicada heavy episode, and just like at the ending of last week's episode we saw Orlin standing alongside her. He seemed very much crazy and fueled towards wiping out metahumans, which further points me in the direction that this is just an hallucination by Grace. The Flash team is in shambles and wondering where to go next and decide to offer the meta cure to all the metahumans in the city to protect them from Cicada's attack. Meanwhile, Sherloque spent the episode longing over Renee Adler who has shown up for only the second time, and now Sherloque is madly in love with her despite seeming opposed to her in the last episode while talking to Cisco. Sherloque attempted to get her to take the cure, but she refused, because understandably some people would want to keep their superpowers, and he ended up sending her to his earth. The other side storyline followed Joe as he was put in charge by Captain Singh, felt the stress of it all, but was reminded that he could take charge very easily and did alright in the end.

The main meat of the episode came with Ralph's continued investigation about what Thawne's motives and plans could be, despite the rest of the team telling him to focus on Cicada. I really liked this as it gave us a detective Ralph like in the comics, and like the show promised they would show us this season...even though we really haven't at all, because they introduced another master detective in Sherloque to do detective work. Why? Other than that, the show reintroduced the concept that Nora and Cicada 2 are linked and can occasionally see what each other are seeing. I completely forget this was a thing because it was only in one episode several episodes ago and then never happened again! This eventually lead to them finding out where Cicada was, which was at CCPD to kill the metahumans, and the team arrived to destroy the dagger using the mirror gun Nora stole last episode. Together, the team was able to over power her and shut off the device that would have been used to kill metahumans across the country, they then went to destroy the dagger!

Then Ralph pieced everything together. Cicada 2 claimed that she never had the dagger in the future, so why destroy the dagger when it wouldn't affect the Cicada that runs rampart in the future? Because the original Cicada's power dampening dagger is being used in the future to dampens Thawne's speed in prison. So destruction of the dagger would result in it not being able to dampen Thawne's speed, allowing him to escape! Very clever, and the episode concluded with Barry firing the gun just as Ralph screamed for him to stop!


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