Top 5 most wanted NECA ultimate Jason Voorhees figures

Recently NECA revealed their figure for Jason Voorhees from the Freddy vs Jason film, their third Jason figure to be revealed this year, and it got me thinking about their ultimate Jason line and where I want it to head from here. We've received several versions of the serial killer already, and the number of potential figures is starting to dwindle. So this list is more like the remaining Jasons for NECA to produce in their ultimate line, and my ranking of which ones I want most. I am a mega Jason fan, and receiving such high quality figures for each iteration of the character is a dream come true; with NECA themselves saying that they hope to cover every movie in the end. So here is my list of the top five remaining/wanted Jason figures for NECA's ultimates line.
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5. Jason X (Pre-uber Jason)
The dream sequence Jason from F5 was definitely a shock and a surprise, leading many to wonder what other obscure versions of Jason from the movies would be covered and a hint was given towards this version of him. For a large chunk of the film this is how Jason looked, and it isn't a bad look even though it is largely forgotten once the cyborg version of him walks onscreen. The chain around his neck is very distinctive as a design choice, and it is a burly version which would be a great precursor to a true Jason X figure.
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4. Jason Takes Manhattan
Jason's overall costume in this film isn't anything too special, but that head sculpt is one that I am dying for the horror toy company to pull off. It is a true nightmare, and the mangled maw and drooping eyes are design points that would look great in a plastic form. I also like the overall aesthetic of the ripped, tattered clothes so I wouldn't say no to this version of Jason in the line.
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3. The Final Friday
Just like the previous entry, the outfit Jason donned in the movie wasn't anything notable compared to the head sculpt. The mask melding with his face is a very scary image not to mention something that would look very awesome in figure form. Once again, ratted clothes would be a very cool look for the figure as well, and a second head sculpt detailing the skeletal face beneath would look similarly stunning.
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2. The New Blood
This version of Jason Voorhees would make for an incredible figure. It is from one of the more ridiculous movies, in which he went up against a telepathic woman; however, the design crew definitely made a noteworthy Jason for the film. I absolutely love how his bones are revealed in several locations, such as his ribs, and especially his face underneath the mask. It looks absolutely ghoulish, very distinct from all the other Jasons, and is very menacing. Just like the preuber Jason from Jason X, this Jason has a chain around his neck, which is just another interesting detail for the figure to take on.
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1. Jason X (Uber Jason)
What other Jason could be more anticipated than the cyborg version of the slasher? This design is ridiculous but absolutely bonkers and I love it. Unlike the past few entries where I've mentioned the outfit being a bit lackluster, this figure brings it all, with half the torso, an arm, and a leg all being cybernetic and mechanic! That head sculpt with the cyborg ski mask is incredible, and overall this figure would be a great addition to the line and is surely the most requested of fans. The futuristic machete would also be a great accessory, just saying.
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