The Flash S05 EP20 spoiler review

(This is cool and all, but imagine Weather Wizard, Trickster, and Mirror Master in their place)

The Flash this week subverted my expectations in a very good way and the episode ended up better than I was expecting, with some solid set up for where the show will head now. Here is my review of the Flash's 20th episode of the 5th season titled, "Gone Rogue."
(Image Source)

There were quite a few things going on in this episode, and a lot of it really didn't jive with me. The show feels more back on track than last week, but it still feels like the season is trying to rush everything together and wrap up everything they set up. So things feel disjointed at times, they'll mention something that hadn't been touched upon in a while, but the episode was still a very enjoyable one. We FINALLY got a proper Rogues team up; however, it wasn't the right Rogues. We've never had more than two Rogues teaming up at a time (Bar the prison break at the end of season 1 which wasn't truly a team up), and this time we had three but it was Ragdoll, Queen Bee (Formerly Bug Eyed Bandit), and Weather Witch. More on this later.

The episode saw more conflict between Nora and Barry as they discussed being unable to find their daughter, and Barry still feeling sour towards Nora over working with the Reverse Flash. Meanwhile, Ralph and Caitlin traveled to her father's frozen compound where there had been a break in. I'll say that Caitlin took that news like it was a normal occurrence, not like it was something entirely strange that someone somehow found her father's old, hidden lab and broke into it when no one had found it prior to Team Flash. Turned out it was Cicada 2 though, who stole a bunch of Cisco's prototype unfinished meta cures. I'll also say, it seems like Cicada 2 has omniscience now because she can find them no matter where they are and find whatever she needs without issue. If Team Flash is at some random mountain somewhere being held captive by Icicle, Cicada 2 will somehow find them; if theres some meta cure prototypes that she should honestly have no idea exist, she'll find them even though she shouldn't know where the compound is or that Cisco even made them there. Seems like a plot of easy plot points for Cicada 2's story to line up, not sure I'm buying it.

During the present, we have the three main Rogues of the episode coming together and wondering who had called one another. Weather Witch is evidently full blown criminal and evil, even though I thought she was full of guilt and trying to turn herself in in the last episode she appeared? Silver Ghost also wasn't present, and later on it seemed like Weather Witch suggested she had killed her which is...odd, did the writers just not want the character to appear ever again? I was thrilled to see Ragdoll again though, he is very creepy and just a colorful villain for the show. I wasn't very thrilled about Queen Bee (The episode never called her that, but the episode description did), who I didn't enjoy very much in her first appearance either. Nora appeared and roped them into a heist with her, but first they had to rob the Flash.

Nora broke into the Starchives to snatch Spin's hypnotic phone, during which Barry found and confronted her. Nora's anger and rage at being left being manifested again, especially after Barry told her that if she was working with Thawne that she couldn't come home, and once again Nora blasted off while zapping Barry with a bolt of lightning. Meanwhile, Cisco and Sherloque found themselves kidnapped by the Ragdoll.

Cisco made a great reference to how he's been kidnapped several times in the past, and was ordered to hack open Spin's phone for the villains to use. During this time, Sherloque continued to give Cisco a hard time about not telling his super identity to his new girlfriend, who really hasn't shown up much this season, but the meat of the conversation was when Sherloque suggested to Cisco that he didn't want to be Vibe anymore, and Cisco didn't quite argue back. One plot point I had completed forgotten about though until Cisco brought it up was the woman Sherloque had met and become stricken with that then turned out to be a metahuman so he strove to protect her from Cicada...what happened to that? That was never mentioned again, Sherloque continued to investigate Nora, and now he seemed to mention that he was trying to break up with her because she was keeping the secret of being a metahuman. What in the world? I wonder if we'll even see her in the next two episodes, or if it is just another plot point the writers decided to dump shortly after introducing it.

Nora and the Young Rogues as they're called later in the episode, break into McCulloch's science devision with Ragdoll showing off his gross, body shifting powers by slipping through a maintenance tube in order to unlock the vault from the inside. Once inside, the Rogues quickly turned on Nora but surprise surprise, Barry, Iris, and Joe turned out to be undercover as the guards who helped turned the tide in the favor of the heroes. There was a nice super speed moment during which Barry told Nora that he wanted her to come home no matter what, and they then quickly took out the threat of the Young Rogues.

It turned out that Nora just wanted one thing from the vault, a mirror gun capable of destroying Cicada's dagger. A mirror gun that looked suspiciously like Mirror Master's gun from the comics; I love this show's easter eggs. So Nora wasn't actually evil at all, thankfully, because I didn't want a cringy version of Nora trying to act evil since we all knew she is a hero and would return to being good. The episode then ended with the team realizing that with Cisco's failed meta cures (that would instead be fatal to metahumans) and the ice ball tech that Icicle had stolen, Cicada would be able to send the failed cure all across the city and kill every metahuman citizen. The end of the episode then gave us a looked at Cicada 2 reprogramming the device to do just that...and revealed Dwyer standing alongside her looking very proud! Is the original Cicada back? I really hope so, but I'd wager that it is just a hallucination of Cicada 2's.

So season 5 again in these past two episodes seem to have taken some kind of dive. It's like the writers realized that there are all these plot points that haven't been touched upon that they don't know what to do with. So they reintroduce Icicle just to kill him off, Weather Witch returns as an evil criminal and has apparently killed Silver Ghost, Sherloque apparently broke up with the girl he met earlier in the season, Nora's stint with the negative speed force looks to be over, and Cisco's girlfriend is being mentioned as a major impact for his life even though we haven't seen them really be a couple at all. The possible return of Dwyer seems to be interested, but it likely is just a hallucination, which is a shame because I'm not sure what the show will do with Grace once she wakes up. She has no family left, she'll be all alone, so all she can do is go to an orphanage because the show definitely won't kill her off.  Seems like Grace's story is set up for an unhappy ending, though I am a fairy bit unhappy myself with how underwhelming and one note Cicada 2 has been. We'll see how the story wraps up next week, because the showrunners already revealed that the final episode of the season revolves around Barry and Thawne.


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