Top 5 Decepticons I want to see most in the Transformers films

Just like I went over with the Autobots from the Transformers universe, I'm coming back around to talk about the Decepticons I want to see most in the live action movie universe. After Bumblebee, things really seemed to be turning around for a better direction and with a new movie announced for 2022 I can't wait to see what the future holds for the franchise! Decepticons are by far some of my favorite Transformers as I'm typically more of a fan of the bad guys, and for the most part I've thought that we've had a slew of awesome Decepticons on the silver screen so far (barring the fourth and fifth movies), and these are the top 5 Decepticons I want to see most in the Transformers films next!

5. Thundercracker and Skywarp in more involved roles
I think it is crazy that we went as long as we did without these two major G1 classic Decepticons in the movies and when we finally did get them it was in blink and you'll miss then roles as random Decepticons at the start of the Bumblebee movie! Starscream's primary two lackeys for sure deserve a better silver screen reception than that, and I hope the next time Starscream appears in the movies these two are there to back him up in more substantial roles. 

4. Reflector
I'd be really interested in seeing how this bot is accomplished, as his abilities in the original G1 cartoon are still somewhat of a mystery. Is he three bots that combine together, or one bot that divides like we've seen happen in the cartoon? I've always been a really big fan of the three bots combining idea, though due to the live action universe thankfully not adapting size shifting for their transformers either we'll have three really small bots that form a camera, or the three can become something else. Either way, I'd love to see this hive mind trio in live action.

3. Stunticons
While many of the Decepticons in the movie universe have been cars and land based vehicles, I remember that the Stunticons in G1 were distinctive by the fact that they were all cars just like the Autobots. I'd love to see this team appear in the movies whether they transform or not, and to give us a really great car chase sequence which I'm surprised the Transformers universe hasn't had really any of given that many of the characters turn into cars. 

2. Tidal Wave
Decepticons always seem to have the biggest, strongest, and coolest soldiers and that goes along well with the description of Tidal Wave. A behemoth introduced in Armada, I've for a long time wanted to see Tidal Wave in other media and for sure the live action universe! The Autobots would have a hard time taking down someone so big, as an aircraft carrier maintaining its mass to bot size would be insane, but it would be a major treat for me and other fans of the small minded brute. 

1. Astrotrain
Speaking of bigger Decepticons, Astrotrain has seen a trend in recent years of being depicted as a massive bot like in Cyberverse and the Siege tv shows, mirroring his ability to transform and transport the Decepticons. I'd love to see him in the live action films in this form as a larger Decepticon capable of carrying his allies into battle, or supplies from one point to another. But above all, his booming, echoing voice has got to be one of my favorite G1 voices and I hope it carries over into the live action movie universe!


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