Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Clone Wars season 1 Black Series figures vol 2

Star Wars the Black Series seems to finally be truly delving into one of the greatest pieces of Star Wars media with the Clone Wars animated series! For many this is their Star Wars they grew up with, and helped to really flesh out a lot of aspects the prequel movies couldn't touch upon in their limited runtime. Amazing characters and storylines came from this series, with some seeping into the live action universe as well with Ahsoka appearing in Mandalorian, and Darth Maul appearing in Solo after his surprise return in this show. Season 1 is where it all started, and based on my most wanted list for this first season from before, we're getting Anakin and Obi Wan in their Clone Wars armor finally, and Cad Bane and Asajj have already been released in the line at this point! So I'm circling back around to the season that started it all, and the figures I want most from that first offering of figures!

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5. Admiral Yularen
One of the easiest repaints achievable is Admiral Yularen, one of the top ranking officials of the Republic army who showed up on several occasions, and whose voice even provided the narration at the start of the episodes! He got to return in the Rebels show, and while he wasn't an action oriented character, his presence is still Clone Wars 101, and his voice nostalgic for many.

4. Cham Syndulla
Introduced in the later portion of the final season, he appeared in a storyline where Mace Windu aided freedom fighters on their home planet, giving us this great character who would go on to appear many more times and his daughter even became a starring lead in Rebels. While Clones and Jedi are many people's go to thought when thinking about great characters from the Clone Wars, there's lots of other great designs out there too and characters to touch upon, Cham Syndulla being one of them. 

3. Commando droid
The Rookies episode has been and always will be one of my favorite episodes of the series, giving us a hyper focused look at the clones of the show by making them the starring characters for a time. It was our first introduction to Fives and Echo, as well as an awesome display of Captain Rex. Another stand out design from this episode has got to be the Commando droids! Nimble, deadly, and much more effective than the usual battle droids are these droids who even got added as units in the most recent Battlefront game!

2. Jedi

Like I mentioned before, the show gave the writers a chance to better flesh out characters who didn't get a lot of screen time in the prequel movies, primarily the many Jedi we see but don't get to spend a lot of time with. That changes in this show though, with some Jedi getting entire episodes dedicated to them like the incredible Kit Fisto vs Grievous episode, and Plo Koon playing a big role in the Malevolence arc. Both got amazing figures, and other stand out season 1 Jedi were Aayla Secura and Luminara, with Kit Fisto's short lived apprentice Nahdar Vebb being a cool new character.

1. Ahsoka Tano
We finally got a Clone Wars design for Ahsoka last year in the line, and while the season 7 design has become my personal favorite design for Ahsoka, her original outfit is still iconic and I'd love to get it in the line as well! She's becoming more and more of a central character, with her own show on the horizon, so it would be cool to revisit the character's first appearance with another figure.


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