Top 5 most wanted Transformers Action Masters figures

Action Masters are a part of Transformers history that have been slowly working their way back into modern toylines by way of figures like Slicer and Jackpot! While the original figures were non-transforming figures in the same vein as the currently running RED series, their modern updates have been repaints of normal transforming figures, and the team at Hasbro has said already that they're hoping to bring more and more Action Masters into the present. I am fully okay with that as I love this dive into Transformers history, and there's a few in this list here that I'd love to see updated!

5. Double Punch
We get so many vehicle Transformers that anything that turns into an animal hits such a unique sweet spot for me, and with Double Punch turning into a wacky Scorpion with two tails there is no way I could resist it! At one point the name was used for a repaint of Scorponok from Beast Wars which could work today with the recent Scorponok figure, but I'd be over the moon if Hasbro slightly retooled the mold to gift him with two stingers for further Action Master accuracy!

4. Kick Off
This is the other Action Master repaint of Jazz to go along with Jackpot, and one of the easiest on this list for Hasbro to get done! The array of colors going on with this figure are very cool, with orange, white, and black all mixing together, and his role in the comics further expanded upon his character with some interesting story beats like placing him in a gladiatorial arena. 

3. Axer and Circuit
Getting one of these two would be an easy deposit for Hasbro as it could be repaint into the other, and however more of the Action Masters shared this same look. Axer and Circuit are two I single out in particular thanks to their recent roles in IDW's Wreckers: Tread and Circuits comic which I had a blast with! The comic even paid homage to their Action Master roots by having them mode locked in robot mode, and both bots having their bike and buggy, respectively!

2. Banzai-Tron
This character is no doubt one of the most popular Action Masters to endure into modern Transformers history, being imagined as an epic martial arts warrior and even receiving a higher end Ultimates figure in Super7's own Transformers line! With that acclaim, and Transformers reaching further and further into whichever corner of history they can for figure inspiration these days, I hope it doesn't take long for Banzai-Tron to get his own modern update from this current golden age of figures.

1. Thundercracker
I don't want to be boring by placing a Seeker repaint at the top of the list, but one look at this Thundercracker's absolutely insane color pallet and there is no way that I couldn't! All of the colors swirl together like some kind of blender of paint, and while I'm sure there are lots of people who would say that it looks plain ugly, it is definitely eye catching and one of the most unique Seeker repaints out there! Further precedence for this design's resurgence is its use as Thundercracker's look in the Shattered Glass comic series which is enjoying its own resurgence at the moment! 


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