Most wanted villains from each Zordon era show in Hasbro's Lightning Collection

While the heroes themselves may be colorful in the Power Rangers universe, it is hard not to talk about the villains that constantly pose a threat to our main characters. The Lightning Collection line certainly isn't stepping away from the villains corner either, as several have already made their way into the line in the likes of Cybervillain Blaze, Drakkon, Zedd, Goldar, and more! While the villains have all nearly come from Mighty Morphin, which does have a fantastic gallery of rogues, I'm taking a cue from my lists about most wanted Power Rangers and looking at the villains I want most from each of the Zordon era seasons in the Power Rangers franchise!
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Top 5 Power Rangers seasons I want represented in Hasbro's Lightning Collection

Mighty Morphin: Scorpina
In my mind, the next biggest Mighty Morphin villain for them to do would have to be Scorpina. While she vanished from the show part way through, there was no doubt that she was one of the most iconic of the original group and proved a formidible match for the Power Rangers on several occasions! Her sinister form and scorpion motif would give her and interesting figure design, and give Goldar someone his partner to team up with on the battlefield!
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Zeo: King Mondo
The next few slots may be a bit obvious, but seeing as the line hasn't done a lot of the main villains yet it is hard for me to choose out anyone else. King Mondo brought an interesting new dynamic to the show, leading a massive invasion rather than being some stragglers on the moon sending down random monsters (though he did plenty of that too). His robotic and mechanical design would make for a very unique figure in the Lightning Collection line, though articulated may be limited, and if I had to choose I would rather have other main villains before this one.
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Turbo: Divatox
Divatox was a step back into the wacky for the Power Rangers villains and I thought that she was handled quite well, especially coming off as the main villain of the first in canon Power Rangers movie! Her status as a space pirate was very different from the villains before her, and her entire crew were always a delight to watch! The line has been doing better at supplying us with female figures to balance the genders, but they could always improve further and Divatox would be both a female and a villain for the line!
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In Space: Astronema
Speaking of female villains; this slot was the hardest for me to choose for since In Space has tons of fantastic villains who all had great storylines of their own. While the Psychos and Ecliptor came close, I definitely have to give the spot to Astronema. I absolutely loved her design, her storyline, and her performance throughout the season! Seeing her again in Lost Galaxy as a ranger was a treat as well. The design team could go crazy giving this figure alternate head sculpts, though I would most prefer to have her longer blueish hair. I would gladly take this character as a single release, but as a double pack with Andros would be amazing.
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