Most wanted Star Wars Black Series figures from each film

Star Wars has a great and expansive movie history, and Hasbro's Black Series line has done a good job at covering many of the characters that have appeared in those films. Despite the few years the line has been running, and the amount of figures we've received, they are nowhere close to finishing out the cast of the films and I'm not sure they ever will. Just like every line of figures, Star Wars more than any other, I know what figures I've been waiting on and here I'll be looking into which characters I want figures of most from each of the ten movies that Star Wars has received. So from Phantom Menace, to Last Jedi, here are my most wanted 6 inch Hasbro Black Series figures!
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Phantom Menace- Droideka
In the opening scene of this movie, we were introduced not only to the main Jedi of the film, but also to the droids that would go on to be a recognizable fixture of the prequel trilogy. One of the coolest ones was the Droideka, a force field projecting droid that rolled up into a ball and proceeded to give the Jedi a hard time throughout the Clone Wars. We finally got the standard Battle droid, and it's about time for Hasbro to blow through the rest of the Trade Federation's forces, and this one would be especially easy now that the deluxe line is a thing.
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Attack of the Clones- Count Dooku
We finally got Grievous in the line, we had Maul from day 1, and now it is time for us to get Count Dooku in 6 inch form and finish out the prequel villains line up. He was the primary villain of the second film, played an important part in the beginning of the third film, got starring roles in the Clone Wars tv show, and is one of the biggest omissions in the line so far.
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Revenge of the Sith- Super battle droid
This isn't a character who was introduced in the film, but they were a part of it. These were beefier, more armored versions of the Battle droid that added more diversity to the Separatist forces. It was an awesome droid design, and would look great standing amongst the 6 inch Battle droids we just got.
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Rogue One- Bodhi Rook
I've gone over this before, but out of all the characters in all of Star Wars media, Bodhi is the one I want the most to get a figure. He was a major character in the Rogue One movie, my favorite character from that film, and just like Count Dooku he is a major omission that the toyline hasn't rectified yet. Hopefully we can get him to finish out our Rogue One team soon enough.
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Solo- Quay Tolsite
Very quickly, Hasbro slammed through the Solo movie cast, even doing more minor characters from the film like Moloch. One character that we're still missing from the film, despite being a minor character, is the alien Quay Tolsite who was in charge of the Kessel mine. It was a very wicked alien design, and like I've said several times before on this blog, the line doesn't have enough aliens.
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A New Hope- Celebration Luke
Luke has gotten several figures over the course of the line's life, but one outfit that still hasn't been made for him yet was the outfit he wore at the end of the movie during the final celebration. The yellow jacket was a neat, conventional look for the character, and has been featured in several comics since that has given the outfit more context. I would love to get this figure of Luke in the line soon.
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Empire Strikes Back- Lobot
Empire Strikes back has gotten a lot of love from the Black Series line, but one character we're still missing is Lobot. He was Lando's sidekick in the latter part of the film, with a snazzy outfit, and a cool headpiece around his bald head. It would be an interesting figure to get, and would definitely pop more than more guys in brown jackets.
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Return of the Jedi- Ewoks
Return of the Jedi has a rich pool of alien characters thanks to Jabba's palace; however, for this spot I'm looking later in the film at the Ewoks that aided the Rebellion in defeating the Empire in the final act. I know many people aren't fond of these creatures, but I think they're cute, and they're a major fixture in the original trilogy.
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The Force Awakens- Nien Nunb
I know that technically this is not a character from the seventh film, but he appears in it and that is enough for me. This guy was a big character in the third film of the original trilogy, helping Lando pilot the Millennium Falcon. Not to mention that he is an alien, which would be a welcome addition to the line, especially since he is a fan favorite character.
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Last Jedi- Crait Luke
My favorite scene from the whole sequel trilogy so far is when Luke confronted the First Order. It was an awesome scene that displayed Luke as the forefront of his Jedi years, saving the day in what would be his final act in the franchise, while alive at least. I would love to get this version of Luke, more than all other versions in fact.
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