Top 5 Power Ranger shows I want represented in Hasbro's Lightning Collection

Hasbro has fully taken up the reigns from Bandai when it comes to Power Rangers figures. Already their line has surpassed all expectations, with phenomenal sculpts complete with effects pieces, plenty of accessories, and spectacular looking unmasked heads that in my opinion give them high quality over Bandai's offerings. There is also a much more diverse character pool, with characters like Zedd and Goldar so that it isn't exclusively Ranger characters. The line's choice to mix characters from all different shows is also a smarter move I think, as it helps appeal to Ranger fans across the series' life, rather than those who are interested in the specific show the line is covering at the moment. It might take longer to finish teams, but the waves we get will be much more diverse as a result. So far, characters from the original Mighty Morphin, Beast Morphers, Dino Charge, and S.P.D. have had some kind of representation in the line, but there are plenty of other Power Ranger shows out there, and these are the top 5 I want to see added to the Lightning Collection line by Hasbro.
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5. Mystic Force

For this slot I'm giving the boarding school, Harry Potter-esque season where all of the Rangers had capes and that alone made them look awesome. There isn't much more to this slot than that, as I really like the look of these rangers and the fact that they use magic sets them apart from some of the other seasons. But really, the main thing I'm looking at is the capes.
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4. Operation Overdrive
This show came after Mystic Force, and the biggest thing for me here is the nostalgia factor. I had an old Power Rangers game I played that featured several different teams, but the first one you play as was the rangers from Operation Overdrive and I can still remember the villain of the level spouting out that phrase maniacally.
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3. Super Mega Force
This is another entry where looks alone is what stands out to me. I never saw this show, but I love when the Rangers try out new and unique looks that set them apart from the other shows. For Mystic Force they had the capes, and for Super Mega Force they look like a bunch of pirate inspired rangers! I love that and I think that it would be visually great in the Lightning Collection line.
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2. Jungle Fury
Following up after Operation Overdrive, we got Jungle Fury which I really loved as a kid and still think is great! I love the look of the Rangers from this show, with their animalistic armor and the combination of their signature color and black across the outfit. It is a great look for the Rangers.
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1. Dino Thunder
This is my personal favorite Power Ranger show, as it is the one I grew up with most as a child. The theme song remains bombastic and blows away all other theme songs from the franchise, and each of the Rangers stand out to me on their own in some way. I love their dinosaur theme which I feel is much more used than in the original Mighty Morphin show, and I would love for Hasbro to tackle this group at some point.
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