Top 5 most wanted DC animated movies

DC's animated movies have been a staple of every year with a lot of great movies coming in this format and in a very consistent basis whereas the live action movies are more varied with their releases. Some gems like Flashpoint Paradox, Under the Red Hood, and now Apocalypse War have graced the DC universe and there is no signs of this format stopping anytime soon. Unlike the live action movies, the animated movies feel like they can do any story in DC's vast history without needing several movies to lead up to them. Which means the universe is completely wide open to potentially any story from DC's legacy, and here are the top 5 I'd like to see as the next DC original movies.
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5. Superman: Up in the Sky
One of the best Superman stories I've ever read is a smaller one that I haven't seen as much fanfare for in the community. I absolutely loved the basis of the Up in the Sky storyline, and each of the adventures Superman took part in during his journey to save one little girl were each unique and so cool to see whether he was testing his oath to no killing, or sitting in an intergalactic waiting room to call Lois on Earth, it could be an absolute treat to see as an animated movie with each segment of the story devoted to a 5 minute block or so.
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4. Doomsday Clock
Unlike the Superman story, Doomsday Clock has gotten probably the most fanfare and coverage out of any of the DC stories recently as it was a huge crossover that saw the Watchmen officially joining the DC continuity and explaining the origin of the Rebirth universe. It was a spectacular read with some truly incredible moments like the whole of the DC hero roster taking on Dr Manhattan, and the finale which posed a potential fight between Manhattan and Superman. It is definitely one of the more notable stories in DC's history, especially recent history, and deserves to be told through another outlet.
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3. Dark Knights: Metal
Speaking of recent storylines, another one that has been highly regarded by fans is the Dark Knights storyline which saw the Batman who Laughs terrorizing the multiverse with his league of evil Batmen, ultimately leading to the Source Wall being cracked open. The Batman who Laughs has easily become one of the best new villains in the DC universe, and with a new universe being created in the wake of Apocalypse Wars, this could be a great focus for the new overall storyline.
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2. More Suicide Squad
I have no specific storyline for this slot, just more Suicide Squad in general. The live action movie we got was a massive disappointment in my opinion, but both of the animated films have been a ton of fun with great characters, interesting stories, and no reluctance to kill off characters. The new live action film looks to remedy what the first did wrong, but the animated movies are always fun to have too and have no limitations on character use or CGI budgets. I love the concept of this team where anyone can die, and seeing random, otherwise no name villains (Like Black Spider, Punch and Jewelee, and Copperhead) is a great treat.
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1. Blackest Night
The animated movies have given us a slew of the classic DC storylines, but one that I'm eagerly waiting for them to adapt is the Blackest Night storyline in which the Black Hand and Necron pollute the universe with Black lantern rings and resurrect dozens of the heroes and villains as undead zombies. It is an iconic story that nearly every DC fan knows about, and would provide some incredible imagery of the dead heroes in their black uniforms, not to mention the rainbow array of lanterns that unite in the end to save the day! The disturbing undead Elongated Man for sure is one that I'm intrigued to see in action.
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