Top 5 Star Wars the Black Series figures I want but likely will not get

Star Wars as a toyline has always been known for digging to the bottom of the barrel and doing some of the most obscure and barely seen characters from the movies. The Black Series line from Hasbro has mostly been doing a game of catch up this whole time, meaning its been harder for them to do those lesser known characters when they're trying to get out all of the major characters from older and newer films alike. While I do think they'll eventually catch up and do some of the fan favorite, obscure characters from the franchise, there are a few characters I do think the line will never translate into the 6 inch form, even though they may have multiple figures in the older 3.75 inch lines. So with both the Star Wars universe and Black Series line ever growing, here are 5 characters I think may be left behind, never to grace Black Series shelves.

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Honorable mention: Ripped Luke from the A New Hope poster
This is one that I don't think has ever actually received a proper toy aside from when all toys were ridiculously buff. With the major influx of Luke figures, I think it would be hilarious though for them to make a figure based on the original poster artwork in which Luke's shirt is open to reveal a massively worked out bod. Because this really isn't a plausible figure in any sense, I'm making it an honorable mention, though if is is made by some miracle then I'll believe anything is possible.
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5. Galen Erso
There are still major characters from Rogue One missing from the Black Series line, but one that I don't think the line will give us is Jyn's father, Galen Erso. He was an integral part of the Star Wars universe, having built the Death Star and also implemented the weakness that was exploited in the original A New Hope. That alone gives him a deserving legacy, but he just isn't a toyetic character and one I haven't seen many fans clamoring for. His actual on screen role in the movie was small, and while his uniform looked cool he was just a scientist with no action orientation, so I'm not sure how other collectors would feel about him in the line.
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4. Shmi Skywalker
Arguably the most important character on this list, Shmi gave birth to Anakin in the series which started the entire saga as we know it. She was a major presence in the Phantom Menace, eventually giving her son her blessing to leave Tatooine and pursue a life as a Jedi. She was then seen in Attack of the Clones, her death one of the catalyzing events for Anakin's turn to the dark side. She's one character that fans seem to forget was in the series, and one of the most important females not to be recognized alongside when talking about major Star Wars females. If Hasbro is worried about a figure of her not doing well, maybe she can be done in a very scarce exclusive, possibly in a two pack with either kid Anakin or Watto?
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3. Rebolt (And his hounds)
With the blitz of figures we got from Solo, Rebolt is probably one of the only characters from the movie we didn't get. The entire White Worm gang was an interesting part of the movie for me, and I loved the entire aesthetic of Corellia and the sewers they dwelled within. Moloch is one of my figure favorites from the movie, and I'm still hoping we get Han in his white jacket from these earlier portions of the film. Rebolt is definitely a character that could be bought in multiples though, and his role in the "Most Wanted" book further made him a character I'd like to have in toy form. Including him in a two pack with his hounds would be incredible as well, increase to sellability of the figure, and also put into Black Series form the monstrous hounds of the movie. The only reason I'm thinking he is less likely though is that Solo hasn't been touched by the line in a while, and when they do return to it I'm thinking they may stick to the more major missing pieces from the movies and forget about forgotten characters like Rebolt.
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2. Chancellor Valorum
Despite the recent increase in figures, the Prequel era is still at a disadvantage when it comes to getting figures in the line. It has been hard enough waiting for major characters like Mace Windu and Padme, so the likelihood of some of the more obscure and less action oriented characters is probably slim. Chancellor Valorum is one of those characters who will likely never see life in the line, despite being one of the most important characters in the series having played the part of the Chancellor before being voted out in favor of Palpatine. Played by the legendary Terrance Stamp, I loved Valorum's performance and role in the movies, but most fans probably don't even remember him.
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1. Kid Boba
I'll say that this one is probably the most likely to get a figure from all of the characters I've listed here. Boba Fett is one of the most popular characters of the entire franchise, and while the kid version of him from Attack of the Clones is looked upon less fondly, I do believe there is a fan base for Boba's child version built mostly around his appearances in the Clone Wars tv show. That's where a lot of my want for this figure comes from too, as his vengeful, hate fueled missions and performance in the show really fleshed out this younger version of Boba and painted him in a dangerous light even in his younger years. I also enjoyed his small role in Attack of the Clones, where he was given a surprisingly unique backstory that no fan could have guessed coming. 


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