Top 5 most wanted TMNT series figures from NECA

NECA has recently hit a home run when it comes to their major focus on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise! They currently have three lines running from three different parts of the Turtles franchise, covering the Turtles in Time videogame, the original 80s movies, and the 80s cartoon show which has been very prolific with its offerings. Fans are eating them up, and while Neca has said that three series is a enough for now, I wholly expect them to move into another era of TMNT whenever they finish out any of the current lines! So with the entire breadth of TMNT seemingly open now, here are the top 5 TMNT series I'd like to see Neca make toys for!
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5. TMNT: The Next Mutation
This show is mostly known for being widely disliked across the entire fanbase, and while I can't say much to defend it I think it would be really fun to get figures of this group. The main reason I'm asking is because of the Power Rangers crossover that occured with the show, and being able to pose these Turtles alongside the eventual In Space rangers that Hasbro makes would be a real treat, even if the Next Mutation wasn't that great itself.
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4. TMNT 3
Another part of Ninja Turtle history that has mostly been forgotten or ignored is the third film in the original beloved TMNT trilogy, though most fans only count the first two as existing. The third film was a strange redirect into a storyline that wasn't played out well, with Turtles who were uglier and less engaging than in the first two movies. Still though, I think NECA could make amazing figures out of the four Turtles in their combat uniforms, and after that they can leave the third film alone.
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3. TMNT animated movie
Coming up to the modern day, the animated TMNT movie was pretty well received by fans and even had an awesome accompanying toyline and videogame! The designs of this series could make for very cool Neca figures, especially when you look at some of the villains that the movie offered us. The stone generals all had unique looks, and even past them the monsters of the movie would be some of the wildest designs Neca would do in their tenure with TMNT!
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2. 2003 tv show
The show that I grew up watching was the 2003 animated television show with its wildly catchy theme song and more mature content when compared the original 80s television show. I loved this new rendition of the turtles, and their designs and style in this series is one I would really like to see Neca reintroduce to the world! The villain Nano remains one of my favorite parts of the show, and if Neca should make a figure for him I think I would definitely pass out.
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1. 2014/2016 movie
I've mentioned quite a few TMNT projects here that not many fans are crazy about, and that extends as well to the two newest live action movies given to the team. The 2014 movie was immediately met with dislike and horror at the design of the turtles and the general mishandling of the property, and while the sequel was met more warmly by fans for its humor and greater faith to the story, it wasn't met much more warmly. While I can't say that I am the biggest fan of these films, I think from an action point and from a turtle point it is nailed. The fight scenes in both movies are top notch, and furthermore the personalities of the turtles are faithful to who they are, with performances that I believe capture their essence even though fans may not enjoy their looks. The turtles themselves would be the obvious choices for figures, but the one that I truly want most is the Shredder from the 2014 movie. I absolutely loved his hardcore, monstrous look with the heavy duty mechanical suit that stored several swords on either arm. It looked awesome, and they're all designs I'd like to see get truly great figures.
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