Top 5 most wanted silver Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection

Along with the Gold rangers, another popular color choice for later additions to the teams in the franchise is that of the silver ranger, while many times it isn't referred to as such. There have been a ton of awesome, powerful, and fun silver rangers across Power Rangers history and as it stands we have gotten none of them in the Lightning Collection! I hope that Hasbro is working towards including more of this ranger color, and I know 5 I would immediately get.
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5. Beast Morphers
It seemed like the line was going to plow through Beast Morphers in no time. We got the red, gold, and blue rangers in the span of two waves and then things all of a sudden stopped. We've had no further Beast Morphers figures aside from the villain Blaze, and while he was fantastic to get, it would have been really nice to round out the main team from the season and give us their silver ranger!
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4. Wild Force
This ranger joined the team later in their season and had a lot of great storylines revolving around his lack of self esteem that he would be able to be a good member of the team after his previous failures. It linked into his romantic involvement with the team's mentor as well, making an interesting continuous story as romantic relationships between a ranger and the team's mentor isn't super common. I also love that his main weapon is essentially a pool stick, love the creativity.
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3. Silver Psycho
This technically would be more of a novelty figure more than a true figure, as the Psycho Ranger doesn't exactly exist. This Psycho exists from the point in In Space when Zhane donned a silver rendition of the Psycho armor in order to disrupt the team and interrupt the battle. It was a very fun moment in the show, and since it would be just a repaint it would be very easy for the line to do. I love the Psycho rangers in character and design, so any additional colors for the team display would be great.
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2. Lightspeed Rescue
The Titanium ranger was introduced later into the season, like basically every spot on this list, and he got to play a very interesting role as the Titanium ranger; Dana's long lost brother. Getting the backstory about the night Dana's father was conned out of his son in order to save all their lives was a very dark and mature moment for the show, and watching him reconnect with his family as an adult made the show even deeper to watch.
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1. In Space
I was just talking about Zhane, and he is going to be topping off the list as the first ever silver ranger we got in the show! The moment that Andros entered a secret compartment of the ship and looked upon a silver ranger in stasis I was hooked, and the eventual release of Zhane from his slumber was a fantastic additon to the cast! Zhane was funny, powerful, and his relationship with the season's villain, Astronema, was a surprising but very fun side storyline. By far one of my favorite moments was when he pretended to be the Psycho red ranger, and ended up being flipped by his friend Andros as payback!
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