Top 5 most wanted Mega Construx Legendary Pokemon sets

One of the most popular and integral parts of the Pokemon universe are the legendary Pokemon that are present throughout each game in the series. We're constantly introduced to interesting, and incredible new Pocket Monsters with every new installment and the legendary creatures are among the most anticipated. I haven't written a post about Mega Construx's line of Pokemon sets in a while so I figure I would come back to it with a big subject, one that hasn't really been touched upon in the line beyond the Mewtwo vs Mew set. So here are the top 5 legendary Pokemon sets I hope we get next in the buildable line!
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5. Three beasts
Introduced in the second generation of the Pokemon franchise, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou were three beastly Pokemon that instantly became some of the most popular legendary Pokemon in the series. Their tragic backstory of dying in a building fire before being revived by Ho-oh is one of the most unique backstories in Pokemon lore, and each of them have played major parts of some of the animated Pokemon movies. Entei starred as a child's imagination brought to life in the third Pokemon movie, Suicune was present alongside Celebi in Pokemon 4ever, and all three of them got moments in the more recent Pikachu, I choose you!
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4. Three birds
Preceding the trio of the three beasts were the three beasts from Kanto, and the original games in the series. This makes these three instant stand outs in the minds of fans as they are some of the very original legendary Pokemon. It's still easy to think about where to find each of these Pokemon, and their roles in Pokemon 2000 helped make that movie one of the best and beloved of the series. It would be great to see how the line would handle birds of larger proportions, especially Moltres with its flaming pair of wings!
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3. Jirachi
I keep mentioning the Pokemon movies, and one of my personal favorites is Jirachi, Wish Maker. I loved everything about the film, and in it we were introduced to the adorable Jirachi. It's relationship to Max is definitely one of my favorite relationships of the franchise, and its design is also one of my favorite from the series. Its smaller size would make it easier to do in the line, so hopefully it is one of the ones closer to being made.
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2. Regi trio
Jirachi was part of the Hoenn era of games which also happens to be my favorites games in the entire series. The region and the Pokemon that made it up I find entirely appealing and every Pokemon from those games are ones that I would buy in Mega Construx's line. The Regi trio is definitely in that group, and their golem designs and lore are something that has always drawn me in, and their designs seem entirely likened towards making sets for them. The smoother, blockier forms of Regirock and Regice should make it easy for Mega Construx to capture their looks, while Registeel likely would be tougher.
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1. Hoenn trio
Speaking of Hoenn, topping out my list will be the primary legendary creatures from the Hoenn region. Groudon and Kyogre on their own are incredible designs and Pokemon, but then the games included a third in the form of Rayquaza who quickly became one of the most popular Pokemon ever. Each of their designs and immense sizes would make for centerpiece sets which I don't think the line has really leaned into yet, but I'm so excited for whenever they do and hopefully these creatures will be added to the line!


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