Top 5 most wanted NECA TMNT 1980s cartoon figures vol 5

Who ever thought that NECA would be digging so deep into the original 80s animated TMNT television series? The depths to which they are fleshing out this cast are incredible, and I'm even looking at some of the recent characters and am needing to look them up to remember them from the show! That's no complaint on my part because I love the devotion the company is giving to this classic series, and since I last talked about this toyline from Neca we have gotten a lot more figures! Irma, Zach, Mutagen Man, Usagi, and the Neutrinos were all lined up on my last most wanted list and have become checked off at this point! So with literally any character from the series seemingly up for grabs, this is my vol 5 of most wanted NECA figures based on the 1980s animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

5. Alternate versions of Bebop and Rocksteady

I remember when we were still waiting on these two characters to come out and the fanfare they received when they did! Since then we've gotten them in their hilarious bunny costumes, and while it wasn't from the cartoon it was a ton of fun to get their videogame pirate designs! There's a few more outfits this iconic duo had throughout the series that would be great to see as figures including their Mighty Hog and Rhino Man costumed crusaders designs, and the robotic Super Bebop and Mighty Rocksteady!

4. Tempestra
Originally a videogame character that Leonardo struggled to defeat in game, she was brought to life by a freak lightning strike and caused problems for the Turtles in the real world for a time! The amount of female characters in the line is miniscule at the moment, and while a short lived character, Tempestra would be another great gem from the show to add to the line!

3. Dirk Savage
With this character I have major Kurt Russel vibes ala Escape from New York or the original comic book Nick Fury, and he exhumes all of the epic 80s heroicness that fits right in with the world that the original Ninja Turtles cartoon took place within! The human characters are nowhere as fun as the monsters when it comes to the action figure realm; however, the combat gear, weaponry, and eyepatch all come together to put Dirk Savage on par with the likes of Groundchuck, Antrax, and all the other wacky characters the line has produced!

2. Bugman
The headsculpt alone on this one is enough to slot him into number 2 on my most wanted list currently, however much it creeps me out! There's so much going on with this design that lends itself to being a great figure, from the aforementioned insectoid head, the wings and extra appendages on his back, not to mention the girthy scorpion tail protruding behind him! If NECA wants to go the two pack route, they could even pack him in with either the Electrozapper or Swatter, two villains he aided the Turtles in defeating!

1. Lord Dregg, Hi-Tech, and Mung
The only character to still be left standing from my previous list is Lord Dregg, a major powerhouse on the show that took over as big bad in the later seasons, bringing with him a new air of grim and gritty danger the series hadn't indulged in so much before. He remains a big villain that the line has yet to touch, but for when they do finally get around to him I think a two pack with either Hi-Tech or Mung would be perfect. Hi-Tech was bug-like alien who appeared alongside Dregg at first while Mung was the oddly shaped beetle-like alien who aligned himself with Dregg by the show's end. At the rate NECA is going I would be surprised if all the characters aren't revealed by next year!

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