Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Rebirth-era Teen Titans figures

The Rebirth Damien Wayne has been a great start to the team, but this extremely fun series has several more characters I'd love to see Mcfarlane tap upon for this figure line!

5. Crush
A newer character introduced into the DC Comics world but one that has definitely been smashing her way into the lore. Introduced as the secret daughter of Lobo, Crush carries with her all the expected anger and flair that her species has been known for! She was a welcome addition to the team after their soft reboot in the series, with her eventual showdown with Lobo one that had been a long time coming! The character even got her own limited series as of last year!

4. Roundhouse
Another character added to Robin's Teen Titans team after the No Justice event was Roundhouse, a newer superhero who was still learning how to use his powers, and function in social settings! His friendship with Kid Flash was one of the anchoring points of the comic, and the twist that he was the one manipulating Djinn later in the series to try and get his teammates to listen to him was definitely a surprise! 

3. Red Arrow
While she joined Robin's team later in the comic, Emiko has a long comic history of her own at this point! I really enjoyed her throughout Green Arrow's Rebirth era run, seeing her in Stargirl's Spring Break special, and I thought her short appearances during the team's initial adventures before No Justice were a nice introductory point to her eventual addition. Archer characters can be come of the most dynamic to pose for action figures, and while we don't have a comic book Green Arrow yet, we do have a Damien Wayne that Emiko would look great next to!

2. Aqualad and Black Manta

Doubling up for the second slot in my list will be characters featured heavily in the comics' initial storylines. Aqualad was the first big recruit to the team during their first line up, and Jackson Hyde has been a phenomenal character for the world ever since! He has starred in his own limited series which recently wrapped up, and is even one of the co-stars of the currently running "Aquamen" comic! On the flip side of morality, we have his father, Black Manta! One of the visually coolest villains in DC comics right now, Black Manta's also finished up his own limited series with the "Aquamen" comic being where he's getting a lot of spotlight too! Both father and son have been making quite a name for themselves across the DC comic world, and I think figures are for sure warranted! 

1. Kid Flash
If it is one thing I will take more of in the DC Multiverse line it is definitely the speedster characters! I think they are by far some of the funnest to pose, and the variety of electricity effects we've gotten for many of the speedster characters at this point have really helped elevate the display! With Wally West revealed to the line already, his New 52/Rebirth era counterpart, Wallace, should get his due as well! The character has had a tough run with his father being the New 52 Reverse Flash and getting kicked from the team by Robin after the Lazarus Contract, but Wallace has continuously proved he has the heroic qualities that make him Kid Flash and I'll take any members of the Flash family I can get!

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