Top 5 most wanted Star Wars Black Series figures based on The Book of Boba Fett

While the Boba Fett tv show did a lot of things that I didn't entirely agree with, and didn't exactly hit the mark for me, it still delivered a lot of really sweet designs for new and returning characters that definitely need to be touched upon in the Black Series line from Hasbro! These would be my top 5 choices to hopefully see later this year and beyond, with SPOILERS being fair warning for any who haven't seen the show yet.

5. Tusken Raider Chief and Trainer
Something I did enjoy quite a bit was showing Boba Fett survive the Sarlacc and go on to live with a tribe of Tuskens ala Dances with Wolves. The group met an unceremonious off screen slaughter, but while we got to enjoy them two particular members who stood out was the tribal chief of the village, and the primary trainer who taught Boba their fighting style. We have the base Tusken mold in the Black Series history already, released a few times, so fans should have plenty already for the Chief and Trainer to pair with.

4. Black Krrsantan
I am not a fan of the comic book rendition of the character that we got given how skinny and lanky it looks, and I'm hoping the live action version accurately displays the character's massive bulk and massive! This design is definitely one of fans' most wanted from the series, and would add a scary looking bounty hunter to the line.

3. Gamorrean bodyguards
This would not only be a cool looking alien figure for the line, but would serve dual purposes. Along with representing the bodyguards Boba employed during his spinoff show, the first episode of Mandalorian's second season featured a shirtless Gamorrean very similar in design to these two!

2. Cobb Vanth
These next two would be my main wants from the series, clearly as they are the top two, but they make the top two by a wide margin. I loved getting to see Cobb Vanth again and seeing him as a cool, collected Marshall of his small town. The basis for a lot of this potential figure already exists from his current release, as it is the same outfit just without the Mandalorian armor, so it'd be a simple retool, but a welcome one.

1. Cad Bane
Oh boy. When we saw him coming in from the distance I could not have guessed we were going to get a slick, unnerving live action rendition of Cad freaking Bane. I loved his voice, his look, and his showdown with Cobb Vanth was the most tense moment of the show for me. He is by far one of the most iconic characters for the franchise to come from outside the trilogies, and even if he just got a figure based on his Bad Batch appearance I don't think it is too soon for another Cad Bane, especially with the chatter his live action debut stirred about the series!

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