The Flash S05 EP17 spoiler review

(Flash's first female big bad, and the first time they've switched big bads in a season!)

The Flash really delivered a big episode on tuesday, with several major things happening with some surprising turns taken in the episode that I didn't expect the episode to take!
(Image Source)

First off, the episode started with Nora freaking out and asking Thawne what to do about the new Cicada. Thawne revealed that he had no idea what to do and implored her to tell her father. She spent the brunt of the episod debating whether or not to actually do it. She finally made up her mind though as they went through the main plot of the episode, protecting a mom from Cicada. It turned out that the woman that Grace was going after had accidentally caused an ATM machine to explode, which resulted in the death of Grace's parents. I was glad that they finally brought in the metahuman that had killed her parents, since I though the show wasn't going to mention it at this point. I was surprised though that they didn't make the woman a character from the comics, Flash is usually very good at making any character on the show someone from the comics, no matter how small. I liked the plot though, and as the mom came out to her family about having powers, Nora made the decision to tell Barry the truth about herself and Thawne. 

Elsewhere in the episode, some tension was relieved by Ralph pushing Cisco to introduce his new girlfriend (!!!) to the team, which Cisco resisted since he wanted to keep his superhero life separate from his personal life. The plot line also brought Kamilla into Iris' newspaper company as a photographer, which I was expecting the show to do, but with Cisco so intent on having a normal life it reinforces my thinking that at the end of the season, or Crisis, Cisco will leave behind his super life to be normal.

Orlin Dwyer had a few scenes with the future version of his daughter, who it turned out had stolen a time machine from STAR labs in the future in order to return to the past. She was super evil, like, way down the pit of darkness further than Orlin had gone. She was on a path of revenge with plans for her father to regain his powers and join her; however, Dwyer appeared during the final battle to stop her from killing Barry and appeal to her as a father to stop...then she killed him. His death hurts because he was becoming a good person again, and I was hoping that kid Grace could have him as an uncle again once she woke up; however, now she is completely alone and I can't help but feel like it'll make things much worse if kid Grace finds out that her uncle was killed by a metahuman too. Evidently, team Flash need to wait for Grace's consent to give her the cure but COME ON, she is killing people, just inject her with the cure and be done with it. I don't understand this rule of theirs at all except for the showwriters to keep team Flash from using the cure on every villain they face and eliminate the threat of the season in one fight.

The time for Nora to reveal her secret to Barry came, and it ended up being Sherloque who ousted her and told every one that she had been working with the Reverse Flash. This reveal prompted Barry to lock her up in the pipeline and leave her as the episode concluded, leaving us with a very drab and depressing ending to an already hopelessly depressing episode. Things are on a downward slope for Team Flash in the way of a victory, and the ending of the episode showed that the group will be fractured and unable to function together for at least a few episodes. 

I'm defintiely wondering what the remainder of the season will be about. Grace can no longer hunt her parents' killer since the woman and her family went into governmental hiding, and she can no longer campaign for her uncle to join her since she murdered him herself. It leaves me to wonder what her business in the past is anymore, and how the show will progress aside from making the focus of the final episodes on Thawne. With the deaths of Dr. Ambres and Orlin Dwyer, it seems like a lot of the Cicada storyline is being shoveled away, but it won't be until a month later when we find out what direction the season is heading next. That's right, a MONTH. Jeez, that's rough.


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