Top 5 most wanted Transformers Studio Series Autobots

With two years worth of figures either released or revealed, Hasbro's Studio Series line for Transformers has covered a lot of the films and their characters. We've seen the whole film universe spanned, and some movies like the 2007 film nearly completed with their line ups. Even so, there is a substantial amount of bots in both factions who are waiting to received either an updated figure or their very first figure, and here I will be discussing the top 5 Autobot figures that I'm still waiting on in the line.
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Honorable mention: Sentinel Prime
I'm starting this list off with an honorable mention, simply because I'm not sure he really fits as an Autobot anymore. I thought Sentinel Prime was an awesome character in the third film, and provided a very compelling and intimidating villain for the trilogy to close out on. His shift from leader of the Autobots to an ally of Megatron's was a huge one and gave the movie a great plot twist, as well as an interesting ideology by his viewpoints that became twisted after so many years of war. This toyline is lacking in Sentinel Prime, but I don't know if he really can be called an Autobot after the film, so he is relegated to an honorable mention in my list of most wanted Autobots.
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5. Daytrader
First up in the list is a character from a film I didn't even watch. I didn't hear anything good about The Last Knight, and many of the new robot designs I found were just retools of existing robots designs; however, this was one of the character from the movie I found on online scrolling that was all new and not a reuse of an existing design. I watched his one scene online, and found it a character I actually enjoyed a lot and wished had gotten more than just one scene in the film. I really like the grungy, dirty design of this bot along with the mountain of garbage he carries on his back. It would all make for a fun toy, though Studio Series hasn't done much with TLK thus far, and such a minuscule character from the film may be a ways off from being done.
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4. Jolt
This one is for character design alone because come on...he didn't do anything in the film to really warrant a figure. He did combine Optimus and Jetfire...but how? This character's inclusion in the second film didn't amount to much, and is one of the Autobots that I feel is the most forgotten compared to all other characters in the films. As the Studio Series goes on though, I find myself thinking about this character more and admiring the bot's design. I like the spiky look that is usually reserved for Decepticons, especially the "wings" jetting off his back which usually are comprised of robot's car doors. The electric whips are also something that could be a lot of fun as accessories! With the Arcees and the twins being too small to fit into the line unless as multipacks with another figure, Jolt is the only Autobot introduced from the film needed now that we have Sideswipe and Jetfire.
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3. Jeep Bee
Out of all the forms Bumblebee took in the new film, this is the one that I want most in figure form. We've already gotten him in his VW form of course, and I'm hoping that this one is still likely as well. This was the form he took when he went up against Blitzwing, which I've mentioned before is one of my favorite fights in the whole franchise! While we still don't have a Blitzwing, Bumblebee in his jeep form is still a fun design that I want to add to my collection, not to mention that I think his jeep form itself looks pretty cool.
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2. Dino
The next two Autobots are ones that I know a lot of fans are wishing to see in the line. Dino is a character who has not received an official toy of any kind from Hasbro aside from a Tiny Turbo that came out within the last year! The under representation of this character in the toy world is criminal! From the beginning of the line, Dino has been one of the most requested figures of the line, and would fit perfectly into Studio Series' motto of doing figures for characters who previously did not receive a figure! He was one of the coolest new bots that Dark of the Moon introduced, and after nearly 10 years he deserves his first figure.
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1. Que
Que was another Autobot introduced in the third film who got sort of shafted when it came to toys. He had a figure made; however, it never saw wide release in the States. That lead many fans to not be able to get their hands on the figure, so Studio Series is the outlet through which a new figure of this character can hit shelves in a more widely available fashion. Que was one of the more endearing characters to join the franchise, modeled after Wheeljack's inability to create inventions that worked 100% of the time, with a very Einstein-esque head design. For a character that got as little screen time as him, I still find his death scene resounding, and it felt like a blow to the Autobot ranks.
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