Top 10 most wanted Transformers Studio Series figures vol 2

Last year, following my list of the top ten Studio Series figures I thought were most likely, I posted a list of the top ten Studio Series figures that I most wanted to see made. To keep the one year celebration of this blog going, I'll be looking at my current most wanted from the line compared to last year's line up, and how things changed! From the previous list, Crankcase was shown (which ended up being a huge let down), we got the confirmation of every Constructicon coming in the future which confirmed Scrapper, Hightower, and Overload; and Bonecrusher has been made and released, with an awesome figure. There's a fair amount of new bots on the list this time, so I'll waste no more time and get into things.
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Previous top 10 list can be seen here:
Top 10 most wanted Transformers Studio Series figures

Honorable mention- Modern Camaro Bumblebee
I'm a bit tired of Bumblebee in this line already since we've gotten so many figures for him in spots that could've gone to other characters; especially pointless repaints like the gold versions, or releasing two 2007 Bumblebee of the classic camaro, except the first didn't have the rust! That being said, this is the Bumblebee figure that I do want to see next in the line, I just want some other characters to get figures beforehand. This is the form he sported for the entirety of the first trilogy, and the form I'm most familiar with him in. I'm surprised this figure hasn't been made yet.
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10. Daytrader
Upgrading from an honorable mention to a spot on the list, Daytrader remains to be the only character from the 5th film that I'm really interested in seeing in the line. The film has started to get more of a footprint in the line, with the releases of Cogman and the WW2 Bumblebee, but I still believe that Daytrader is a far cry from making it into the line compared to other characters that have yet to be made. I would still really like to see this bot made, and think that the glob of junk on his back would make for a fun standout detail on the figure.
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9. Constructicon repaints
These I feel would be perfect for release of exclusives, since all of the line's exclusives seem to be repaints. I really like the idea of a modular Devastator whose components can be switched up, swapping the color pallet of the combiner in fun ways. Skipjack could be a yellow repaint of Rampage, to represent the actual bulldozer that formed Devastator's leg in the film, and Demolisher could be the white repaint of Scavenger, while also being a major character from the film's opening. I also think that giving Devastator a white body would be a fun switch up. A yellow Long Haul called Payload could also be a possibility, but that's more of a ROTF toyline nod than an actual in-movie character, so I'm only holding my breath for the first two.
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8. Movie 3 Soundwave
Once again appearing on the list is the DOTM Soundwave, one of many 3rd film characters who have yet to be made in the line. This is a character who I think has been heavily rumored as well, possibly as a exclusive who comes with Ravage and Lasebeak in the same vein as Drift releasing with the baby dinobots. That sounds good to me, and even if he doesn't include those I am still waiting on a figure of him. I love some of his design points, such as the disks along his arms, and the tires of his car ending up behind his head in robot form. Plus, it is Soundwave, how can he not be made?
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7. Hatchet
We've had Crowbar since the start of the line, and this year we got Crankcase, so now we just need Hatchet to complete our line up of the DOTM Dreads. These were a brutal group of Decepticons that injected the film with a very fun highway chase scene, as well as giving spotlight to a couple characters like Dino, Ironhide, and Sideswipe. Hatchet was in my opinion the coolest of the three with his massive, dog-like form, and I really hope that Hasbro translates that to the figure and doesn't repaint Crowbar again. That would be a bigger offense than the Crankcase we got.
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6. Que/Dino
Doubling up in this slot are the DOTM Autobots who were added in the start of the film. The continued absence of Dino has made me want a figure for him more and more, and of course Que is still a character I very much want. They gave the film more color, and an interesting new duo of Autobots to spice things up. Like mentioned before, Dino got to partake in the action in a big way by helping to kill Hatchet, and Que had one of the more impactful death scenes of the movie, as well as just being a fun character who specialized more in helping the others than getting dirty.
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5. Blitzwing
DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HIDE?? That line from the character in the echoey, booming voice still thrills me as the lead in to one of my favorite fights in the whole franchise. It was fast, clear, and devoid of human involvement as Blitzwing and Bumblebee duked it out in a vicious, thrilling action scene. Blitzwing remains as the only major character still missing from that film, as we now has Bumblebee, Shatter, two Dropkicks, and even Optimus. This Seeker could also open the door for repaints as the Decepticon warriors seen on Cybertron; both of these facts making him a must have figure, aside from just being an awesome character.
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4. Movie 1 Megatron
The start of the line began very heavy on the 2007 movie figures, as by the second wave we already had Prime, Bumblebee, Brawl, Starscream, Ratchet, Blackout, Scorponok, and Jazz. By this point in time, we've gotten every other character from the film except for the main villain himself, Megatron. The line has delivered a steady pace of Megatron figures, with the second movie and third movie released, but I'm aching for the original 2007 design to finish off the cast of that first movie. To only be one figure away from completion is maddening, and I'm hoping to have a figure soon for this rendition of Megatron. The Masterpiece version of him was recently revealed, and seeing how good an updated figure of this Megatron can be, I'm practically dazed with anticipation for Studio Series' take on it.
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3. Decepticon protoform soldier
This is an odd one, and probably an unlikely one, but I'd really like a figure for the generic Decepticon prototype soldiers that appear throughout the second and third films. There are still plenty of named characters to be made, but slipping this in somewhere would be really cool and supply the line with a really awesome army builder for the Autobots to mow down. We're getting the KSI Boss, and have gotten the KSI Sentry which both fill the same role, so it wouldn't be too far from the realm of reality to get one of the protoform soldiers. I have my fingers crossed, and it would definitely be a figure that hadn't been done before (remember Studio Series' motto?)
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2. Junkheap
Come on now, Studio Series has revealed the Constructicons who all combine, along with Jetfire who can combine with Prime! Aside from the twins when they formed an ice cream truck, Junkheap from AOE is really the only other combiner in the films! (barring The Last Knight). Out of all the KSI goons to be made, this should have been one of the priority ones! Three individual, distinct robots that combine to form a garbage truck, and would also serve as good army builders for the line! Combiners have been getting a large focus lately, and the Age of Extinction villains overall have been represented very well throughout the line's life; so I will be surprised if this bot doesn't show up before the end of the toyline.
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1. Devcon
Moving up to the number one spot is a Dark of the Moon Decepticon who I think is very deserving of a figure and would look absolutely intimidating in that form. Devcon really didn't get much to do, and the only thing differentiating himself from the prototype soldiers is his wicked, compelling design that looks absolutely alien. The massive arms and puny legs help this Decepticon stand out against the other designs of the universe and reminds me of the strange, non-humanoid designs a lot of the Constructicons sport. There should be a leader class spot waiting for this character, as small and insignificant as he was in the films, because as far as action figures go this would be a darn awesome one.
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