Top 10 most likely Transformers Studio Series figures Vol. 2

It is hard to believe that it has already been a year since I started this blog, and to celebrate that I will be doing a part two for the very first post I ever wrote, the top 10 most likely Transformers Studio Series figures! The line was just starting out in that first post, but at this time they have delved deeper and much more in depth than I would expected for just a years' difference. The future is looking bright for the line, but there are still some major and popular characters still missing from the line up. I'll admit that I wasn't totally right with my first list, and several characters that I thought would be certain for first still have no hint of showing up soon. Voyager class figures in general I guessed wrong, as well as us getting the DOTM Megatron before the 2007 version, leader class figures that weren't Dinobots, Sideswipe should have been obvious to me that he would be made quickly, and no Constructicons were included in my last list. A few I did get right though, like Crankcase, Barricade, Bumblebee movie figures, Bonecrusher, and the obscene amount of repaints and retools that have come lately. Enough of my prattling though, and for the one year anniversary for this blog, I'll be running down my opinions of the top 10 most likely Transformers Studio Series figures Vol. 2!
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Previous top 10 list can be seen here:
Top 10 most likely Transformers Studio Series figures

10. Sideways/Crosshairs
I really don't like doubling up on slots, especially when the characters have no relation to each other, but I feel like these two are both very likely to be entering the line soon. With the 10th anniversary of Revenge of the Fallen coming up, and many other characters from the film being done, I feel like Sideways is a likely candidate for release. He could easily be made a repaint of Barricade and done as an exclusive. The same goes for Crosshairs, who could just repaint his TLK figure like Drift has. AOE has gotten a lot of love from this series, and Drift himself has gotten two figures so far! Crosshairs I have a sneaking suspicion isn't far behind.
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9. Some Dinobots
I used to think that the rest of the Dinobots would be highly likely for the line very quick after Grimlock, but there has been no sign of them thus far. So I'm rethinking my stance on them and ultimately, I think one or two of them could happen before the end of the line but I'm not holding my breath for all three of them. At their size, many of them would necessitate a leader class figure and I don't think that so many leader class spots will be dedicated to this specific group of characters. Strafe could arguably fit in as a large voyager, as a stretch, so I'm thinking that a voyager Strafe and then either a leader class Slug or Scorn will be happening, but not all three; though it would awesome if it did.
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8. The Fallen/Sentinel Prime
These two were included on the first list, but at this point I feel as thoguh they are a bit less likely, though still likely enough to appear on here. The Fallen especially I feel is odd that he hasn't been announced at all for this year, given that it is the 10th anniversary of his film. I feel like this would have been the perfect time to release an updated figure of him, though there has been no word on something like that. Sentinel Prime I've started to think is a solid contender for a leader class figure, given the size and bulk of his firetruck mode and the fact that the alt mode size of DOTM Megatron qualified him as a leader class figure as well. He is also a highly popular character in the series, and has only become more and more requested as his absence continues.
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7. KSI Decepticons (Galvatron, Junkheap, Two Head)
Before the line began, I would never have guessed that this group of characters would be pumped out as much as they have so far. We have Stinger, the KSI Sentry, and now the KSI Boss; not to mention Lockdown and his henchmen. The villains from the fourth film have been getting a lot of representation after having none at the time of the movie's release. Junkheap is one that I personally really want to see, and if there is a new Shockwave coming out then a Two Head figure could easily follow it. Galvatron is the most major of all the KSI Decepticons, so one day Hasbro will probably give them their leader for the displays.
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6. DOTM Soundwave/Hatchet
Here we go, the DOTM bots that I initially thought were super likely but then ended up not happening. Well, I still think they are highly likely and have only become more and more likely as the line has gone on. Both 2007 and Revenge of the Fallen films have been very nearly completed, with DOTM the next in line and the film (Aside from Last Knight) with the least amount of representation in the line. When it comes to the upcoming deluxe assortments, I'm expecting to see a lot more DOTM bots popping up, including this pair of the Decepticons, Soundwave being a fan favorite, and Hatchet needed to complete the Dreads trio.
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5. Dino/Que

Once again, these two are appearing on my most likely list but just like the two before them, I think that they are more likely now than ever thanks to the narrowing of the character roster and who is left to do. I predict that DOTM robots will be very well and present going forward, including these two major Autobots from the film. Dino especially has never received a figure before and that is what Studio Series is all about. It is time for both of these figures to be made.
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4. Shockwave
This is a highly requested figure that I'm surprised hasn't been released or at least announced yet; however, many of the DOTM characters are still MIA so I am not as surprised. I'm expecting him to show up soon either as a voyager or leader class figure, as a much needed update to the flat, shorter version of the character we got in 2011. He has remained high on fans' wishlist, growing more and more demanded as the line goes on, and the predicted influx of DOTM characters would surely include this one eyed menace.
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3. Blitzwing
Despite not receiving a huge chunk of the Studio Series' devotion, we've still received a decent amount of figure from the solo Bumblebee movie. We have Bumblebee himself, two version of Dropkick, Shatter, and even Optimus Prime. The most notable exception to the line up is Blitzwing who participated in one the best fight scenes of the whole franchise, while also being a wicked design and would open up the door for repaints representing the Seeker warriors that were seen in the Cybertron scenes. He is the only major character not to have received a figure from the film, and I'm expecting that a figure for him will be announced sometime in the next year.
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2. 2007 Megatron
This was one that I was very wrong about in my first list, since we ended up getting a figure of his DOTM rendition before this one. I am now pushing him higher up on the list though because I strongly feel that a Studio Series version of his 2007 incarnation is coming up. He is the final Decepticon needed for the 2007 line up, and is the main antagonist of the film while being a very popular character! The Masterpiece version of him was recently announced, and I'm wondering if it'll be a case like Barricade where they pumped out the Masterpiece first before putting the character into Studio Series. Hopefully he is as likely as I think and the leader of the Decepticons gets his third place in the line as the 2007 design.
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1. More Bumblebee figures
Just like repaints which I included in the last list, I feel as though more variations on the series' mascot is inevitable. There are still a few versions we are missing too that would be welcome into the line, most notably the modern Camaro version of Bumblebee that he appears in for all three films in the first three films. I also would not mind figures of Bumblebee in his jeep form and Cybertronian form from the Bumblebee film. This is what I feel is the most likely additions that Studio Series will get next. Without a doubt, there are sure to be plenty more figures for Bumblebee in the rest of the line's life.
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