Top 5 wanted Mega Construx grass type Pokemon Pokeball sets

So far I have talked about the fire types and water types that I've wanted most from Mega Construx's line of Pokeball sets, revolving around first evolutionary Pokemon. Following that up, I'm going to look into the grass type first evolutions that I want to pop up soon in the buildable line. With several generations and regions the focus of the five Pokemon coming up, I'll go ahead and get started.
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Way back in time, I made a list talking about the Alolan Pokemon that I wanted buildable sets of most. Morelull and his evolution made that list, and just like several other Alolan Pokemon before it, I want Morelull to be in one of the six Pokemon assortments. It would be a simply build and could utilize the bendy, flexible pieces that were used on Bellsprout and Chinchou previously, with several cute mushroom pieces and the added bonus of being featured in the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie at least for a short moment; being present in the trailer.
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Similar to Morelull, Hoppip made a previous most wanted list when it came to my most wanted Johto Pokemon for the Mega Construx line. Hoppip and each of its evolutions are just really peaceful and cute grass type flowery Pokemon that I think are lacking in the line. In fact, I feel as though each of its three forms are small enough to fit inside the Pokemon sets, similar to how Grubbin's evolution, Charjabug, was in a Pokeball set as well. The Pokemon worlds needs cute Pokemon and this evolutionary line fits the bill, with their flowers possibly being interesting enough builds on their own to warrant immediate production. Though I am a bit biased, evidenced by them appearing on my most wanted list.
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I like the little legs on this 'Mon. The tiny stubs are super cute in my opinion, especially when taken into consideration that this Pokemon evolves into a Pokemon with leg muscle strong enough to kick you into the stratosphere. Essentially a mushroom, this Pokemon would a simple and round one for Mega Construx to produce, and the printed pieces would be perfect to translate this Pokemon's stern expression to a buildable, plastic form.
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Another Hoenn Pokemon slipping into my list is Cacnea who I just think looks wicked. The multiple points on the Pokemon would be an interesting concept to see translated to a buildable form, and I love the design of the Pokemon's mouth. It is spooky, and the Pokemon worlds needs just as many frighting Pokemon as it does the cute ones.
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This is the one that I think has the best chance of being made in the near future, owning to the fact that this is a Kanto Pokemon, the region with the biggest footprint in the line. Mega Construx could go a lot of different routes with this Pokemon, and while I feel like it would be slightly frustrating for each member of the Exeggcute form to be separate from one another, I think that is the way things may go and will be a fun collection nonetheless. If they are somehow conjoined I will be down for that too and am really interested to see how they would do that. The member with the cracked top and yellow innards exposed is the one I'm most anticipating, and am hoping it isn't achieved by simply a printed piece.
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Related posts:
Top 5 wanted Mega Construx water type Pokemon Pokeball sets
Top 5 wanted Mega Construx fire type Pokemon Pokeball sets


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