Characters I want introduced into the CW's Arrowverse

The CW's Arrowverse has non-stop added dozens of characters to the shows' universe since the start of Arrow way back in the day. Many characters are added each season, with many lower ranked villains even getting whole episodes devoted to them thanks to the meta of the week gimmick Flash has been using. Tv shows more than movies have more time and leeway to introduce more characters, and with several shows through which to do so there may come a day when their supply of DC characters may start to dry up! While I know that may be an extreme thing to say, that is how I really feel about this DC universe. It really feels like any and all characters may end up getting the spotlight eventually; however, while MANY nobodies from the comics have appeared throughout the shows (I doubt the movies will ever touch upon Block, Geomancer, or Kilgore) there are still some major heavy hitters who are yet to show up, so here are the characters I am hoping will soon be introduced into the universe.
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5. Max Mercury
Out of all of the speedsters that Flash has yet to touch upon for the show, Max Mercury is the one I'm most eager for them to introduce. I feel though that the chances of such are slim, as Barry is not really in much need of a mentor anymore, and when he is the show always has Jay Garrick to turn to. They could introduce Max as less of a mentor and more of an ally then, but whichever way they do it I want this character to appear. I love the concept that he wanted nothing more than to enter the speed force, but whenever he tried he ended up getting propelled into the future. That could open the door for a character who is out of place in time, but as it remains, one of DC comics' most notable speedsters is still yet to appear.
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4. Static Shock
From the announcement of a Black Lightning tv show, to the current point in time, fans are still clamoring for Static Shock to make an appearance. The show has been preoccupied with setting up Thunder and Lightning as sidekicks, but I think the showrunners have mentioned that they're interested in doing him eventually, and once the show has established Jefferson's daughters in their superhero roles I think the show will be ready to introduce Static as a way to shake things up. It would also be the long awaited live action debut for a popular hero.
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3. Batman
This one is more of a "when" than an "if," given the upcoming release of the Batwoman tv show that will no doubt tackle the mystery of what happened to Bruce Wayne with the eventual entry of the caped crusader himself. I just want to see the CW's take on the hero, after loving their rendition of Superman, Flash, and just about every other major DC hero they've done. I don't expect him to be a central or lingering character, but more along the lines of Superman who shows up every so often, though I wouldn't be opposed to the Batwoman tv show one day spinning off a Batman CW show...just saying (still waiting on a Superman spinoff from Supergirl).
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2. Killer Croc
Keeping in the Batman mythos, Killer Croc is one of Batman's rogues that I'm most interested in seeing with the new Batwoman tv show and the access to Gotham's rogues. I wasn't too big of a fan of the Suicide Squad verison of Killer Croc, despite thinking that the prosthetic effects were amazingly executed. My image of this villain is a hulking, vicious, monster more akin to the Arkham game portrayals of Waylon Jones. The CW seems more than primed to do characters of this capacity who are large, imposing monsters, (King Shark, Tarpit, Gorilla Grodd), so I have a hunch and some hope that they would do Killer Croc has a huge, reptilian beast.
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1. Starro
People may consider this a silly character to want to see, and I doubt we would ever see this guy in a live action movie, but Starro to me is an immensely compelling character who I want to see at least on the CW shows. It is a giant, alien starfish with a huge center eye who mind controls people by placing regular sized starfish on their faces, that is so unique and something that I am dying to see in live action. It could be one of the annual crossovers, or maybe an episode on Legends which seems to be a silly enough show to do something like that without blinking an eye. Wally West from The Flash has already mentioned fighting a giant starfish so Starro is out there somewhere! This was the first villain that the Justice League ever fought in the comics, and a character with such a big title shouldn't go disregarded.
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