Top 5 most wanted Transformers Movie Masterpiece figures

I am a new collector for the Transformers Movie Masterpiece line, and while I was playing catch up over these past couple of months I found it actually pretty easy since the line is surprisingly shallow in the amount of characters it has covered; being that only one or two figures are released each year. So far all we have is Optimus, Bumblebee, Starscream, Beetlebee, Ironhide, and Barricade. 2007 Megatron and Jazz have been revealed for release later this year, so the line is growing and I'm looking to where it can head next. A line like this will be very selective of what characters it makes, so not all characters will get into this line but the ones that do will be very well done. With that in mind, I've thought of the top 5 characters that I'd like to see in the movie masterpiece line from Hasbro!
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5. Ratchet
With Jazz coming out later this year, we'll be one figure away from completing that original 2007 Autobot lineup, and that one figure is Ratchet. He hung around for all three of the first films as support and a constant fixture of the team. It makes sense that one of the next figures in the line would be Ratchet in order for the original five Autobots to be completed and set up to stand among one another. I've never been really quite satisfied by any of the previous offerings of the figure at more retail oriented prices, so I'm hoping that the Masterpiece scale can deliver a highly satisfying rendition of the Autobot medic.
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4. Sideswipe
Once the original group is finished, I feel like one of the likely next candidates for the Autobot roster in the Masterpiece line would be Sideswipe. He is highly popular among fans, with a smooth attitude, roller blades for feet, and a pair of sharp, wicked swords. Out of all of the Autobots added to the films after the first movie during the first trilogy, he was the one met with the most positive reception as well as the only one of the ROTF Autobots who survived to go on to appear in the third film as well. While his feet have been a challenge for other figures to really nail, I'd hope that the Masterpiece line would figure out a way to do his feet as a very clean pair of roller blades and hold the aesthetic.
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3. Blackout
The Decepticon sides of things have been a little less represented in the Masterpiece line, but that may be changing soon as I've heard rumblings that Masterpiece is fixing on rounding out the whole 2007 cast. That includes some of the most popular Decepticons of the franchise, and we've seen this already with Barricade, Starsceam, and the upcoming 2007 Megatron figures. Blackout is one of my personal favorites from this original team and I would love to see him in the line, as well as Scorponok who would work well as an accessory to him. This helicopter bot was the first ever on screen live action Transformer, and despite not doing much in the rest of the film he is still very fondly remembered by fans. Not to mention he has a very interesting and well designed model, with a cape made from his helicopter blades, and a head that looks very menacing and classic Decepticon. If there really are plans to finish the 2007 movie cast, I could see this guy being an upcoming release before the others.
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2. Constructions
This one is a bit of an unlikely one, given how scant the line is with releasing figures and will likely never get to background fodder; however, this is my wishlist and I had to include them. Just imagining a group of Masterpiece quality and scale Constructicons who could also potentially combine into Devastator is a literal dream for me, with the size, detail, and envisioned potential of this group in the line making my head spin. Unfortunately, aside from being not very prominent in the film, there is also a lot of them which would take Masterpiece close to a decade to finish out unless they began doubling up on these Cons in each year. The upcoming Studio Series Constructicons are already making some fans anxious who want all eight figures all at once, rather than waiting a year to complete the team. I don't think Masterpiece line Constructicons are very likely, but it would be a dream come true.
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1. Bonecrusher
From the start, and ever since then, my favorite Transformer in the whole live action franchise has been the 2007 movie Decepticon Bonecrusher. The screen time he got was little, but in it he got a very entertaining fight scene on a highway with the leader of the Autobots himself. This bot also had a very compelling design to me, being hunchbacked, having roller skates for feet in the same vein as Sideswipe, and especially the huge claw on his back! I also really like his alternate mode, and how different it is from the usual vehicles we see with Transformers. I recently acquired the Studio Series version, and absolutely love the figure; I've found it very hard to put down, so imaging a Masterpiece version is just...dreams. Hopefully the rumors of Hasbro looking to complete the 2007 movie cast is very very true, because I very much want to add a Masterpiece line Bonecrusher to my collection.
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