Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG G1 season 2 character cards

Wizards of the Coast have been releasing a fantastic card game in my opinion that I have really been enjoying. I like the mechanics of the game, as well as collecting all the new characters that come up! With only two waves released, and a third on the way, the game is still missing several key characters who have yet to receive cards to represent them. I have already made a list detailing the season 1 bots that I want to see next, and now I'll be delving into season 2 of the original G1 show for the characters from that span of episodes who are missing and who I want to see most in the coming waves!
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5. Perceptor
My entry to the original G1 show was by way of the original film, and Perceptor's big role in that lead me to believe that he was part of the newly introduced season 3 cast. When I went back and actually watched the show though I found that he had been around since season 2 as the crew's head scientist when before there had primarily only been soldiers and medics. Several of the games gimmicks could work well for his personality, mostly the "plan" gimmick, and I'm interested in what alternate mode the card will end up using; because a microscope doesn't fit any of the pre-established alternate mode factions.
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4. Seaspray
This was a funny character from the show, with his voice always sounding as if he was gargling water. The main reason that he is showing up on this list though as that the introduction of this character opens the door to the boat class for alternate modes. We have yet to have a boat yet, and it could be a fun new addition that work open the door for other boats such as Tidal Wave and Broadside!
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3. Defensor
There are two major combiners from season 2 of the show that weren't included in the second wave of cards that focused on combiners, and one of them is the team of Protectobots that form Defensor. While he isn't as wildly popular as other combiners, I still think that the team is cool for the time they were there, and they would add a diverse cast of alternate mode classes for a deck. Truck (Hot Spot), motorcycle (Groove), helicopter (Blades), and car (Rook and Crosswise) gives a lot of options for battle card specifications, while adding more choices to folks who want to do specialized decks of helicopters or motorcycles.
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2. Bruticus
The other major season 2 combiner, who is also one of the most popular combiners from the franchise, is the Combaticons who form Bruticus. This could be an easy team of bruisers who each have their own abilities and perks, I could see them being done the way of the Sentinels and Dinobots where you only start the game with a couple of them in order to maximize each of their strenghts. Swindle could possibly steal cards from the opponent, Brawl could have bold or pierce, Onslaught can specialize in plan; there are a lot of creative possibilities that can come from this team, and hopefully they are taken advantage of soon.
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1. Astrotrain
Not only did wave 2 give us Combiners, but it also gave us Triple Changers in Springer and Blitzwing. The one that I'm waiting on now is Astrotrain. The was a really cool character in the original show, with cool alternate modes, and a stand out spot in the original movie by practically causing Megatron's department from their space voyage. Not to mention, his voice sounds really cool! A deck of Astrotrain and Blitzwing could be a really fun one to put together and play, so hopefully he'll be popping up soon!
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