Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG G1 season 1 character cards

Wizards of the Coast recently released an awesome wave two to their Transformers card game. I am loving this new card game, with its mechanics, and the cards themselves! Character cards make the entry of new characters feel special, and makes me excited for new ones to be introduced and brought into the fold. Of course, with wave 3 on the horizon I've been thinking about what characters I want to get cards next. Two waves hasn't been nearly enough for all of the characters to be covered, not even close, so here are the characters from season 1 of the G1 show that I want to appear in the card game!
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Honorable Mention: Soundwave
The absence of this character in two full waves (not to mention several expansions) is an absolute crime; however, WOTC have confirmed that he will be releasing this year, a couple cards for him in fact, so I know that he will be coming soon. They wanted to figure out the gimmick to include his cassettes as well, and as long as it all turns out well, the wait will hopefully be worth it.
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5. Sideswipe
This was a big character back in the show, and wave 2 gave us his brother, Sunstreaker, so why are we waiting longer for the more popular of the twin duo? I remember this guy's gimmick being that he could fly, aside from being a twin, so he was a standout character being a flying Autobot (At least, before Jetfire and the Aerialbots came along).
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4. Brawn
This is a character I really like, and was also the first on screen Autobot death when that original movie came through theaters. The character's personality could easily be integrated into the card with a high defense stat, possibly a lower health stat to balance out that defense stat (not to mention it took one shot to kill him in the movie) and more trucks are always a welcome addition to the game.
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3. Non exclusive Cliffjumper
Cliffjumper was one of the biggest characters out of that Autobot cast in season 1, so much that he got a unique role in the movie as well alongside Jazz. The only card that we have gotten of him so far was an SDCC exclusive when the game was first being released, making it very impossible to get a hold of for those of us who didn't go. I want this iconic character in my collection, and applying him with the grenade launcher battle card will be very fitting with that first episode of the show.
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2. Ratchet
Just like Soundwave, this is a surprising omission from the character line up so far. It is not as glaring, but still, this character was major enough to make it into the 2007 live action movie, and was a constant presence in the G1 show up until his death in the original movie. This character's card could center around repairing the other bots to match the personality of the character, but aside from all of that, this is a big character who has yet to make his card debut.
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1. Reflector
Aside from Soundwave and his cassettes, we have all of the season 1 Decepticons aside from Reflector. Megatron, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, the Insecticons, and Constructicons have all been released along with a couple of the Cybertronian Seekers; but Reflector remains a hole in that season 1 Decepticon line up. Would he need a new gimmick to work? Since he is a unit of three? Maybe it can be a three person combiner that turns into some kind of cannon instead of a camera? However they make it work, I just know that I want a card for Reflector.
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