Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG G1 season 4 character cards

My sub series of what Transformers character cards for the TCG from each season of the original G1 television show I want most is coming to an end with the fourth season which had a short run of three episodes, yet it introduced a few dozen new characters. Wizards of the Coast have done a fantastic job with all the cards released thus far, but several dozen characters are still missing, and season 4 houses a few notable one. So without any further delay, here are my most wanted season 4 characters I want in the Transformers TCG!
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Honorable mention: Sixshot
I have absolutely no idea how they would pull this one off. Five entire other modes for the character to transform into? Triple changers and combiners are pushing it with how many sides they can pull off, so I can't even fathom how Sixshot would work unless the card folds in on itself a couple times. It would be a very cool character to add to the game though, not to mention in the show he took down the Aerialbots all by himself!
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5. Scorponok
One of the two titan/city sized bots that were introduced in the final three episodes, Scorponok has gone on to routinely make appearances in other shows in the franchise, owing to his popularity and coolness as a giant robot scorpion. I've said it before about Trypticon and it applies to Scorponok as well: the game needs a Decepticon titan card! We have two Autobots already, so Scorponok inclusion would go a long way to evening the odds.
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4. Pounce and Wingspan
I feel like a deck consisting of these two could be very cool and flexible for play. A pair of clones who each turn into separate vehicles, who could potentially be identical in stats and abilities when it comes to bot mode, but in their transformed modes they could be wildly different with their own strengths and weaknesses. It seems like a fun possibility, and I'm interested in seeing how this pair is handled.
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3. Mindwipe
A giant robot bat is just really cool to me, and I love how he mind controls his enemies to do his bidding in a very Dracula-esque manner. That trait could be implemented into the game in a number of ways, such as forcing the other player to scrap cards from the hand or upgrades from their characters.
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2. Fortress Maximus
This guy was the other titan class character introduced in the show's final three episodes. He is a walking artillery unit; however, he loathes combat and wants only piece, which is so conflicting. I keep mentioning how I want more Decepticon titans, but I would be okay with the third and final Autobot titan being added to the game to finish out the trio (unless of course there's some obscure G1 titan I'm forgetting).
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1. Punch/Counterpunch
This is a very interesting case that I'm unsure about how it will be implemented into the card game. It is one bot who is both a Decepticon and an Autobot, two personalities housed inside of him and he transforms his bot mode back and forth, while his vehicle mode remains the same. How would this be implemented into the game? Would he switch every turn, allowing for Decepticon specific and Autobot specific upgrades to be played only on certain turns? It'll be cool to see, though with all the other major characters missing from the game, I'm not sure the characters on this list will be made anytime soon.
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