Top 5 favorite CW's The Flash villains (non-big bads)

Over the course of 5 seasons, the CW's The Flash has introduced a plethora of villains for the scarlet speedster to go up against. Nearly every episode gives us a new foe in the rogue's gallery, and many of them have been very fun, scary, or entertaining villains. Here I will be going down my top five favorite villains from the show that has shown up thus far. I'm not including big bads here who obviously get a lot more development and screen time than others, so Reverse-Flash, Zoom, Savitar, Thinker, and Cicada cannot appear here, neither can the seasons' secondary big bads like Grodd, Killer Frost, and the Mechanic. The only villains appearing here are the minor ones who have only gotten a episode or two under their belts, who I wish would get even more.
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Honorary Mentions
These are a couple of villains who I absolutely loved when they were on screen, but just didn't beat out the others on this list. I still remember the shock and awe I had when King Shark first appeared on screen for the first time, completely surprising me while also giving us a frightening new villain. Blackout's episode in season one remains one of my favorite of the whole series, and that goes along with this villain's tragic story, and ability to sap the Flash of his power. Ragdoll is a recent villain, but a standout one with a very horror story vibe hanging out him, and a creepy costume to go along with him. He was one of the last big Flash villains from the comics who hadn't appeared on screen yet, and his eventual arrival was well worth the wait.
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5. Hazard
I've found it harder for the more recent villains to stand alongside the villains of the first season. A few great ones are sprinkled throughout the other seasons, and Hazard for me was one of the best ones. She was one of the first bus metas that we were introduced to and one of the few non-speedster villains that felt like an actual threat that Flash couldn't easily super speed into prison. Her powers were creative, fun to watch become a domino effect of different events, and the opening scene of her absolutely poor luck life was a fun introduction to her character. Later on during the prison break episode, she ended up having a turn of heart and wishing to return to life not as a criminal, making her character more tragic especially once she is killed by the Thinker and used as his vessel for several episodes.
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4. Trickster
Bringing back Mark Hamill as the Trickster from the old 80s tv show is one of the biggest strokes of genius I feel this show has pulled. While people may make comparisons to the Joker, the only resemblance I see is that they are both insane (kinda common among villains), and they're played by the same person. Trickster's affinity for explosives helps him stand out, and while we haven't gotten to see the Mark Hamill version in a while we've had his son, Axle, to entertain us in his place. I'm still waiting on the true Trickster to return though, hopefully once Mark Hamill is done with the current trilogy of Star Wars films.
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3. The Rival
This is a case of a villain seeming like they would go on to be a major threat for at least half a season, but then delivering much less. Every second that Edward Clarence was on screen I loved it, I had been waiting 2 seasons for even a hint of the Rival, especially after Jay Garrick's introduction, and we finally got him in the start of season 3. He had a unique, wicked black costume with flared ears, and a cocky, bruiser attitude that made him stand out against the more conniving, plan oriented Reverse Flash and Zoom. Sadly, after the first two episodes of season 3 he was killed off, and much too soon in my opinion. The Rival was a character that brought a lot of high speed energy to the show, with a challenging demeanor that compelled him to fight for the fight, rather than for any overall goal. As a minor recurring speedster villain he could've been fun to have around, alas, the show itself didn't think so I guess.
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2. Abra Kadabra
Season 3 of the show introduced us to several main members of the Rogues who had yet to show up, and the final one to make his tv show debut was Abra Kadabra. I was long anticipating this villain and was left very happy with his episode, in which the magician pulled several fun tricks, got several scenes of dialogue rather than the typical 2-3 fight scenes metas of the week usually get, and he was integral to the plot. Team Flash trying to get him to divulge Savitar's identity was a fun ride, especially by the end when Kadabra was captured but still refused to tell them; stating that in a way he felt like he was killing Iris West and hurting the Flash. Gypsy took him off to be executed, and we haven't heard anything about him since which worries me that they actually killed him off. I'm hoping that isn't the case because I want to see a lot more of him in the show; however, I'll always have the great season 3 episode revolving around him.
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1. Weather Wizard
No villain had such a subtle foreshadowing as Mark Mardon. From the very start of the show, the Mardon brothers were present, though Clyde was the one going up against the Flash in the first episode. It took over a dozen episodes for Mark to finally make his debut in one of the best Flash episodes of all time, with a killer theme song, and showcasing several powerful abilities that his brother hadn't obtained yet. Mark could conjure balls of hail, bolts of lightning, as well as whip up a tsunami devastating enough to wipe out a whole city. If Barry hadn't gone back in time, it seemed as though the Weather Wizard would have won as Barry's "wall of wind" didn't seem strong enough to do any sort of help. Mark appeared once again in season 2 in a team up with the Trickster that saw the villain learning how to control air pressure to fly, showing that the show is taking advantage of the many creative powers someone like him could have. The character has showed up once again in season 5 in a small, insignificant appearance that left me disappointed after so long a wait, so I'm hoping that the character can make another appearance down the line in a more substantial role suitable for such a cool and powerful villain.
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