Top 10 most wanted G1 characters in Transformers: The Card Game

Transformers the Card Game has become the newest sensation in my household, and Wizards of the Coast don't seem likely of halting the game's momentum anytime soon. Wave 2 brought a lot of new mechanics and fan favorites characters to the mix, while wave 3 seems set up to do the exact same. While wave 2 covered many of the characters I wanted to see like combiners, the coneheads, and Hot Rod, there is still a plethora of Transformers characters out there to be introduced in the game. Wave 3 was very recently revealed, with Ultra Magnus finally making his debut along with confirmation of Soundwave's long awaited inclusion, and in anticipation I'll be counting down the top 10 G1 Transformers I want to appear most in the card game.
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10. Sky Reign combiner
This one is a bit of the odd one out; however, wave 2 focused heavily on the Combiner Wars toy era for their combiner cards, with Optimus Maximus being included, and the Sky Reign combiner is one that I'm interestd in seeing from the toyline make its way to the card game. It includes several popular characters who have yet to join the game such as Sky Lynx, Trailbreaker, and Smokescreen, as well as being a combiner which are always fun to play.
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9. Smokescreen
Speaking of Smokescreen, he has yet to join the game and I think that with some of the new mechanics that have been introduced lately it is time for him to make his debut. The new ability "stealth" would work in perfect conjunction with him since in the show he is known for creating a smokescreen in order to hide himself and his comrades. It would be the perfect matchup!
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8. Sideswipe
This is a highly popular character that I'm surprised hasn't been in the game yet. The new wave is known to focus on the Siege toyline that released this year though and a figure for Sideswipe was included int hat toyline, leading me to believe that there is more than likely a high chance to he will be joining the game very soon in wave 3. There hasn't been any confirmation on that yet though, so he remains on this list.
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7. Bruticus
This was the biggest omission during the wave 2 combiner cards. Bruticus and the Combaticons is one of the most popular combiner teams from the original show with several characters making up the team tat are well known for their distinctive personalities, such as Swindle. This could be a very bulky, offensive based team as well as the obvious choice for the next combiner added to the game.
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6. Trypticon
We need a Decepticon titan in the card game. Omega Supreme and especially Metroplex need someone to throw down with aside from regular bots/combiners and this would be the most obvious choice to fill that slot. He is a giant t-rex robot who is among the most popular and well known of the titan characters. We got his rival, Metroplex, way back in wave 1 so why haven't we received this guy yet?
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5. Astrotrain
Wave 2 didn't just give us combiners, it gave us triple changers in the form of Blitzwing and Springer; however, there is still one very major triple changer missing from the game and that is Astrotrain. He joined the show in season 2 alongside Blitzwing, and the two of them have gone on to be the most popular pair of triple changers in the franchise, so I'm hoping it wont be too long until I can possibly play a Blitzwing and Astrotrain deck.
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4. Brawn
This guy was the first ever on screen actual death of one of the Autobot's heroes during the original movie, prior to which no characters truly ever died. Aside from having that luxury, Brawn was a fun character who constantly boasted about his strong armor and tough persona; so give him a strong defense stat for the card and things will be perfect! Or better yet, give him high defense in car mode, but zero in bot mode, since one shot to the shoulder was all it took to kill the poor guy.
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3. Ratchet
It is truly criminal that he wasn't in the first wave of the card game, or even the second! Ratchet is the original Autobot medic and was a constant presence during the first two seasons of the show, enough so that the 2007 movie chose him as one of the five main Autobots! Ratchet's card could revolve around healing the other bots, and with rumors going around the he will be getting a figure in the Siege toyline, hopefully that will translate to a card in the Siege card wave.
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2. Reflector
This is one that I'm wondering if they'll need a new mechanic to do him, or possibly make him a combiner? The easy way would to do just one card for one bot and call it Reflector, but any fan of the original show knows that there are three of this guy, so hopefully the card game will remember that too. A triple combiner that forms a camera-esque cannon would be fun, as well as creating a cool team for deck play.
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1. Rodimus Prime
Wave 2 of the card game gave us Hot Rod, and now we need his heroic transformation from the end of the original movie: Rodimus Prime. We already have mostly all of the rest of the movie cast in Springer, Blurr, Kup, Arcee, and now Ultra Magnus! He was the second ever Autobot leader that fans of the show were given, and could potentially end up being a very powerful card if done correctly. If he turns out as just an okay card though, I'll still be happy because I want a Rodimus Prime to enter my collection.
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