Top 5 wanted Mega Construx steel type Pokemon Pokeball sets

This is a continuation of the series of posts where I look into which Pokemon I want from each type for Mega Construx's line of buildable Pokemon sets. Sets of 6 Pokeballs are released similar to their "Heroes" line but it is always smaller Pokemon, usually first evolutions, and this time I'll be thinking about the steel type Pokemon that I want to see most in Pokeball sets for the future.
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5. Klink
This Pokemon gets a lot of flak from fans who say that it is uncreative, but I do like this Pokemon and the concept of it becoming larger and more complex with each evolution. I also think that due to this Pokemon's design to would work really well for the line, just as Porygon did, and the cute little face would be a fun printed piece for the line to create.
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4. Meltan
This is the most recent addition to the Pokemon universe (At least, before generation 8 releases), and this Pokemon solidly lands a spot on my list. Meltan is a very enduring creature, with an interesting, mysterious build up to its reveal and eventual exposure as a group of combining Pokemon. I love the liquid-metal body and the cog head with the black dot in the middle. It all feels very alien and unreal, leading to a Pokemon that reminds me of the likes of the Unknown. I want to know more about this Pokemon and it's lore, and my contemplation would best be paired with a little buildable figure.
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3. Klefki
Like Klink, this is another Pokemon that gets a lot of hate from fans for its design which is seen as lazy and uninspired. I used to think that same, but then I actually learned about this Pokemon. Well, turns out that all those keys aren't actually part of it, the actual Pokemon is the white ring and head. Those keys are keys that it STOLE from people to later BREAK INTO THEIR HOMES and ROB THEM. Upon learning that, this Pokemon immediately shot to one of the most notable in my opinion, and I want it in the Mega Construx line more than most.
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2. Mawile
While researching for this post, I was very surprised to find that Mawile was a primarily steel type Pokemon. I thought that was surprising, especially when I found out that it used to be solely steel typed until the fairy type was introduced. I didn't remember that typing from the old games. I love this Pokemon's design, from the flared "pants" to obviously the huge mouth on the back of its head. It looks very wicked and unique, leading me to want this Pokemon even more, especially to see how they would handle this build and if it'd end up a larger one.
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1. Beldum
As soon as I remembered that Beldum was steel type it shot to the top of this list. I absolutely love this Pokemon and its whole evolutionary line, especially the powerful and intimidating Metagross. Just like Klink, I like how this Pokemon seems to build on itself as it evolves, and it all starts with Beldum who later on becomes a leg. The Pokemon's design seems to lend itself towards a brick built form, and I'm really interesting in seeing the huge eye done for the set. As an addition that I thought about while writing, the line could introduce another new ball type in the heavy ball with a Pokemon of these typings, though I'm not sure the ball types are typically matched with the Pokemon (Aron came with a quick ball of course). Beldum is certainly my most wanted though out of the steel type Pokemon who would fit in a pokeball set, and would also go the way of designing the legs for Metagross' eventual set!
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