Most wanted Star Wars The Clone Wars/Rebels Black Series

Hasbro has said that in the coming future they plan on representing the animated tv shows for Star Wars more in their 6 inch, collector focused Black Series line of figures. Like other fans, this got me very excited as many of my favorite characters come from the show and many are deserving of figures in the film. So far the delivery of these characters has been scarce, but with the future wide open, here are the characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Star Wars: Rebels that I want most in the 6 inch line.
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Robo legged Maul
Maul is a character that I'll get in whatever variation he is released in, and this is one of the coolest looks's sported in the new canon universe. I would prefer the Clone Wars version over his Rebels incarnation, but either way they would make for cool figures of the character owing mostly to the robotic legs he sported in the episodes he starred in. His shirtless looks would also better exemplify the black markings all over his body.
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Season 3/4 Ezra
This is when this character got really cool for me. The show seemed very cartoony at first, with this character in particular getting on my nerves with his child-like demeanor and cartoony attitude. The maturity level of the show seemed to jump though as it entered its later seasons, and with Ezra gaining a new hair cut his character seemed to change for the better. Season 4 is where this character really shined, becoming a stellar Jedi in the climax of the story.
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Asajj Ventress
She was a major character in the Clone Wars tv show, and thus far really the only female Sith in major Star Wars media, excluding Inquisitors. While she wasn't as deep a character in the opening seasons of the show, her leaving the Sith later on proved to be a saving grace for her character as she became miles more developed and interesting. No longer a one note assassin for the Sith, but instead a layered villain hateful of both Jedi and Sith. Lightsaber wielding characters are also lacking in the toyline in general!
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Season 3/4 Kanan (Caleb Dume)
We got a figure to represent the earlier seasons of Kanan, but the later seasons and especially the final season gave Kanan and incredible arc for the character culminating in a tragic moment that truly made Kanan one of the most stand out Jedi of the series. Watching him act as an unqualified teacher was great, and later on when he became blind and more in tune with himself and his failures the character flourished.
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Young Ahsoka
We got a version of her already in the line, but it is from the Rebels tv show. That isn't the version of Ahsoka I'm looking for, I'm looking for the younger, padawan version that I grew up with on tv. I loved her as Anakin's apprentice, and when she left the Jedi order I felt personally wounded. I'd take either one of her costumes, just so long as we get a younger Ahsoka figure for the collection.
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We're finlly getting Ezra and Chopper for the Rebels collection, but we're still missing the final and arguably one of the best members of the cast. Zeb was a constant source of hilarity in the show, as well as a point of drama regarding his species and his conflict with Kallus. He's the last member of the team not to be done, his looks changed minimally from seasons 2 to 3 meaning he can fit with any later versions of the characters we get, and he's an alien which are few and far between in the line!
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