Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on Red Son Superman

One of my favorite DC stories of all time is the Red Son alternate reality where Superman landed down in the Soviet Union rather than America, leading to an entirely different history for the DC universe and a different outcome for a lot of different heroes. This story supplies some of the best known alternate versions of characters, many of which I would love to get figures for in Mcfarlane's line of DC Multiverse figures as this popular story hasn't really been realized in figure form yet aside from higher end lines. So with Mcfarlane's line showing no sign of slowing down with a stellar first year, these are the top 5 figures I'd love to get from the Red Son storyline!
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5. Bizarro
One of the alternate versions of Superman villains that appeared in the story was the Bizarro clone created by Lex Luthor in order to give America their own superhero; however, it didn't go quite as planned and Bizarro ended up becoming more of a monster. Either version they want to go with for a figure I would be in for, especially with the suit depicting the "US" on the chest which is an interesting design for the Superman shield.
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4. Brainiac
The one that turned out to be the main villain in the end of the story, Brainiac played the part of a downed dog who did Superman's bidding for years but in truth turned out to be fully sentient still and wishing to control Superman's actions. His robotic design would make for a really unique design with all of the super suits in the line so far, and bring another big name DC character to the line even if it isn't the classic design.
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3. Wonder Woman
Delving into the main trinity of characters from the main storyline, Wonder Woman appeared as an ally of Superman and later left his side when her lasso was broken and he pursued a path she felt she couldn't follow. I really liked her role in the story and her costume as well was a really interesting take on the design, with more darker grays and blacks as opposed to the bright red and blues she wears in the main timeline.
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2. Batman
These top two characters are the two I think are the most likely to be made in the line and the two that I think definitely need to be made as they are two insanely popular versions of these two heroes. Batman entered the story as a terrorist looking to tear down Superman's rule after his parents were killed in labor camps that he blamed Superman for not stopping. His part of the story was one of my favorite parts of this universe and his suit is just incredible, one of my favorite Batman suits of all time as I like the cowl design, the more utilitarian garb, and his final moments with Superman are profound.
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1. Superman
This should be a no brainer as to who was going to take the top spot as this list, as he is the title character himself! Like I've mentioned already, this alternate universe take is one of the most popular elseworlds stories out there and for good reason as it is just an interesting concept and a great story to go along with it! Superman's rise as Russia's leader and trying to do the good thing, shows the hero have to make many compromises and it is just a really well written Superman story. Not to mention, the suit design is great as well! The Russian symbol in his shield crest is such an iconic part of DC now.
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