Top 5 most wanted fighters in DC's Injustice 3

Injustice was incredibly popular when it first came to the videogame realm and this story about an alternate universe where Superman went evil and took over the world was so popular that its been a recurring idea in many media outlets with the live action movie universe even alluding to this possibility! The second game didn't seem as impactful on general media, but I still really enjoyed a further exploration of this dark world, and overall I also just enjoy having a fighting game centered around DC characters! There's really been no world on a third game in the franchise thus far, but I'm hoping the general success of the first two can eventually lead to a third game in the series being made and these are the top 5 new fighters I would hope to see introduced!
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Honorable mention: Batwoman
I've been reading a lot of Batwoman comics and I find the character really interesting and compelling, leading me to obvious want her to be represented in the game but I'm having a hard time conceptualizing how she'll play different from other bat themed characters like Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Batgirl. That drops her to an honorable mention on this list.
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5. Captain Atom
One of my favorite lesser known DC heroes is definitely the heroic and tragic Captain Atom who can't seem to catch a break with him exploding in nearly every storyline I read him in. A perfect place for his introduction to the series could have been as a premier skin for Firestorm in Injustice 2, seeing as that character dealt with atomic power as well, but that chance has now passed and I hope this character gets his due in a possible third game. Of course, his super move would have to involve him exploding in some way.
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4. Constantine
One of the wildly popular characters in DC who hasn't been used in the games yet is John Constantine, a magic user who remains one of the only prominent Justice League Dark characters to not be used in the series after both Zatanna and Swamp Thing have gotten playable characters. Concept art for the second game seemed to indicate that Constantine nearly arrived to the series, but for now we'll have to hope that this smoking, trench coat wearing hero will show up the third time around.
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3. Stargirl
The recent Stargirl tv show has really turned me on towards this character and the JSA as a whole, but looking to the third game in the series while I would love for a lot of the JSA to appear, Stargirl would have to be the one I want to see most. I love her optimistic, gung ho attitude and her acrobatic abilities with the cosmic staff would hopefully make for some cool combos in the game. Throw in her comic book powers of shooting star-like projectiles and there's enough variance to make a playable fighter.
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2. Plastic Man
When it comes to possible combos and moves to implement for the character there is none on this list with more potential than Plastic Man! This hero can take on the form of just about anything and his comedic look and attitude could make for a very fun and compelling character in the game. I'm not sure how canon the tie in comics are, as some characters who die in them appear in the games, but I loved the issue featuring Plastic Man and the fact that he decided to just hide until all the evil Superman stuff blew over was hilarious.
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1. Beast Boy
Through the first two games in the franchise, we got nearly everyone from the Teen Titans team with Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire nearly rounding out the team. The only one we're missing now is Beast Boy and people have been demanding his presence in the games for a long while. The possiblities for this character are nearly as endless as Plastic Man, as any animal is at Beast Boy's disposal and having such a varied character could let the developers really go wild with what he could do! Not to mention what his super move scene could end up entailing!
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