Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Clones vol 2

Clones have been a major selling point for the Star Wars Black Series line from Hasbro and they've recently even introduced a new mold for these fan favorite characters to use for the years coming. We've gotten a few clone figures recently that clear out my previous list of most wanted clones from the Star Wars universe, with figures of Fox, Bly, and finally the Phase 1 lieutenant finally captured in 6 inch plastic form. So I'm back around to touch upon what clone soldiers I want to see made next in the line, and with their popularity as a group I wouldn't be surprised to see them made fairly soon.
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5. Phase 1 Clone Pilot
The only phase 1 clone trooper from Attack of the Clones left to be made now is the clone pilot that was featured like so many other clone designs during the battle of Geonosis. It should be fairly easy to do, like all clone figures reusing the same body, but my ocd is really kicking in now as I want to finish out this entire line up of clone designs. It took years to finally get the blue painted lieutenant, and hopefully it wont be another few years to get the clone pilot who would feature new pieces.
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4. Kashyyyk camo trooper
While clone commanders have been getting a ton of love lately, I would like the ground troopers to get more prominence in the line as the ones collectors would really be able to army build! The camo decoed troopers of Kashyyyk seen during Revenge of the Sith would no doubt stick out on the shelves and made for a cool group when put all together. Not to mention that we got Gree years ago, so the commander has been a bit lonely on the shelves.
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3. Galactic marine and Bacara
Moving on now to a group that neither ground troopers nor their commander have been made yet, this is the battalion that fought with Ki Adi Mundi during Revenge of the Sith before Order 66 hit. I absolutely love the design of the Galactic marines! The purple color pallet looks so good when combined with their cloth kamas and snowtrooper-esque helmets! Not to mention their importance in the original Battlefront 2 as an unlockable trooper type for the Republic made them seem like power players. Bacara would be a great addition to the line up of clone commanders in the midst of our collections, and I've seen a lot of clamor for him lately as the list of commanders from the movies to be made continues to grow thinner.
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2. Commander Neyo
Also one of the final commanders from the movie series yet to be made in the Black Series line, Neyo was one of the many commanders shown during the third film in the prequel series helping to murder his Jedi general. There isn't a whole lot going on with his design, but the helmet really just stands out to me and the mouth piece is so different from all other clone trooper designs. The smaller shoulder pad is another piece that differentiates him from other clone troopers, and maybe his inclusion in the line would even prompt Hasbro made his Jedi general as well.
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1. Jesse, Echo, and Fives
I could really use this spot to say literally just every clone from the Clone Wars television show but I'm going to restrain myself a little bit. The show really breathed life into the clone army and the different personalities that made it up, and is likely largely responsible for the huge love seen towards clones today in the Star Wars mythos. The three that stand out most in order to make this list are Fives and Echo who featured throughout basically every season of the show, becoming two of most well known clones across the franchise, and then Jesse who had an iconic role during the final season of the show hunting Ahsoka and Rex during Order 66. The Vintage Collection recently got an amazing three pack of these clone troopers, and I hope Black Series gets something similar soon.
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