Top 5 most wanted NECA ultimate Gremlins (1984) figures vol 2

NECA has done an absolutely incredilbe job bringing their Gremlins line of figures back to life recently! Every release, while for the most part being the same figure, have been great and I've collected each and every one of them! Their focus is primarily on the 1984 original movie which offers up a lot of different looks for the Gremlins from the second movie in the series, and I've eagerly bought up Stripe, and each of the standard Gremlins they've released in the line from the gamer Gremlin to the new figures based on old ads for the movie! From the last list I made talking about this line, we got the carolers who look amazing once assembled, a new Flasher Gremlin with a great cloth jacket who also comes with a plethora of bar scene themed accessories that covers practically all the bar scene Gremlins I mentioned in my last list. So with the number of needed Gremlins from the first movie ever dwindling, here is my updated list on my most wanted Neca Gremlins 1984 movie figures!
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Related posts:
Top 5 most wanted NECA ultimate Gremlins (1984) figures vol 1
Favorite action figures from each major toyline I collect
Top 5 most wanted NECA Gremlins 2 figures vol 2

5. Accessory pack
Still on the list from last time is the accessory pack that Neca themselves mentioned interest in doing on their twitter, but we haven't seen this idea fully realized yet. The cocoon that was cancelled years ago would be a perfect insert for this pack, and we even saw it on display at one of the toy conventions recently. Other much needed pieces for the pack would be some chicken wings, Mogwai balls for when they first popped out of Gizmo, and so far it looks like that loogie accessory from the same toy convention hasn't appeared with any of the Gremlins yet, so I have to assume it will show up down the line somewhere.
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4. Mugger
Ask any fan of the movie and the toyline what figures are left to do from the first movie and the mugger Gremlin will likely be a lot of the responses. He had a very recognizable role in the movie by holding one of the main characters are gunpoint in a very tense scene, wearing an unsettling characteristically mugger-esque mask. This same mask appeared in the same toy convention set up I keep mentioning; however, it looked like the ears of the Gremlin it was on were removed for the display so I'm not sure if the mask could be included as a simple accessory or if we will one day get a whole figure devoted to him without the ears. Neca has stated already though, that the hand gun is essentially out of the question for release.
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3. Crossdresser
The original female Gremlin, only this one wasn't a female. It appeared during the iconic bar scene at Stripe's side, pointing out the cheating Gremlin who quickly met his end after Stripe was alerted to his nefarious ways. She would be a very unique Gremlin in the line with her design and feminine accessories, plus the make up on her head sculpt would further distance her from blending into the crowd of other Gremlins we've so far gotten.
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2. Suited Stripe
I was surprised but absolutely delighted to see that Neca was making figures based on the old ads for the movie that I didn't even know existed! First we got the olympics styled Stripe, then an amazing back to school Gremlin, and now we've had the reveal of a Santa Claus Stripe figure! They look great and I'm so happy these designs are being made into figures despite their insane obscurity! The only Gremlin left now from that original line up of posters is one of Stripe wearing a very formal suit and with how great the back to school Gremlin and Santa Stripe look with their cloth goods, I cannot wait to see the suited Stripe figure! Extra points if it comes with a suited Gizmo, as the Santa Stripe came with the Gizmo from his own poster.
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1. Dancer
We were SO CLOSE to finally getting this figure! Then the Neca lootlauncher for this figure failed, and while literally everything else from it was included with the ultimate Flasher release, the pink sweater and leg warmers to create this iconic Gremlin still haven't been brought to the line! It ranks among my favorite Gremlins from the first movie as its dance moves are insane, and that whole musical sequence does a great job of showing the lunacy of the Gremlins! I hope that one day the dancer Gremlin sees release like the Flasher and the rest of the bar Gremlins did, as it would be the life of my display just like how it was the life of the party in the movie.
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