Top 5 most wanted Bandai Dragon Ball Dragon Stars villain figures

One of the all time best things about Dragon Ball that keeps fans coming back is the great cast of villains that constantly plague our heroes. From foes like Frieza to Cell to Buu, Zamasu, and Jiren, the Dragon Ball world as supplied some of the best villains in anime history and Bandai's line of Dragon Ball figures have given us a lot of these villains over the course of the line's history! There are still plenty left to touch upon though, and in this list I'm digging through Dragon Ball history for the top 5 villains I'd like to get in the Dragon Stars series.
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5. Dabura
Dabura is one of the villains who appeared during Dragon Ball Z and is one of the characters responsible for Krillin's many deaths, this time spitting on him and turning him to stone! I really like the design of this character with his purple skin and blue wardrobe design, all lending to what would be a very unique and stand out figure in the line!
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4. Super Buu and Innocent Buu
Dipping into alternate forms for a moment, Buu has received a figure of his kid form but I think both of the other major forms of this character are ripe to be made as well. Super Buu is a frightening transformation and an awesome design on its own, with a truly muscular, imposing form for the heroes to go up against. Meanwhile, Innocent Buu is probably the most popular and well known form of Buu with its rotund design and child-like demeanor.
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3. Nappa and Raditz
Two of the first ever villains Goku ever fought in Dragon Ball Z have also become two of the most popular Dragon Ball villains across the franchise despite their scant appearances. Nappa and Raditz both share a lot of design elements when it comes to their wardrobe, but otherwise they are completely different and both equally deserving of figures. Raditz's link to Goku as his brother was an interesting choice for such a short lived character, whose massive mane of hair would be really cool in figure form, and Nappa just goes along with him as part of that duo.
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2. Toppo and Dyspo
Pulling up into Super as we get near the end of my list, Toppo and Dyspo were the two main teammates of Jiren in the tournament of power. We very quickly got Jiren in the line, being one of the most popular villains to come out of Super, and I'm still waiting patiently for his two compatriots to come next. I really enjoyed both of them, with Toppo's rise to a god of destruction something I didn't see coming, and Dyspo's cocky attitude making way for a lot of great moments. Plus, a big bunny guy and something with a mustache the size of Toppo's would be insta-wins in the figure category.
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1. Caulifla
The final villain that I'm going to cover in this list is also from Super, and someone I was expecting to get quite a while ago! Very early on in the line we got both Cabba and Kale, which lead me to believe we would also soon get the third member of their trio in Caulifla. A lot of time and waves have passed since then and still there's no sign of her! I'm still hoping to get her in the line as I really enjoyed her character! She is, I believe, the first ever female saiyan in the show which is a big deal, and I really dig her design with the wild hair, baggy pants, and tube top. Cabba and Kale look pretty lonely on the shelf without her to round out the group.
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