Top 5 most wanted yellow Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

Yellow rangers are usually a constant when it comes to Power Ranger teams and lately we have gotten a couple of yellow rangers to help fill out this designation in Hasbro's Lightning Collection. Since my last list talking about this subject, we got Trini from Mighty Morphin, the Yellow Psycho Ranger, and from online leaks and pictures we've seen that Ashley from In Space should be coming soon as well. So I'm back to revamp my top 5 list and after reviewing some of the best yellow rangers from the franchise, here are the new top 5 I hope to get in Hasbro's 6 inch scale Lightning Collection!
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5. Lost Galaxy
Maya provided a unique characterization for Lost Galaxy in a world where everyone seemed very advanced and the plot took place on a huge spaceship travelling to another world. The yellow ranger of this series was the opposite of all that and hailed from a simple village community making her very different from the other rangers and in a good way. This helped her stand out against the others, and her village's destruction by the main villain's forces provided great motivation for her to step up as a ranger.
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4. Beast Morphers
After the line leaned so heavily into Beast Morphers at the start, it feels almost weird that we haven't gotten one of the primary three rangers from this show yet! Zoey was part of the main trio we followed since the beginning of the show and I hope soon that Hasbro will produce her so that the Beast Morphers team can be closer to completion; not to mention I love their suit designs and am really eager to be only two figures away from completing the Beast Morphers line up!
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3. RPM
I've talked before about how enthralled I was by RPM and Summer was one of the rangers I liked most from the series. While her backstory about being a prissy, rich, stuck up girl seemed a bit silly at first I really appreciated it after she was fleshed out because it showed just how far she has come from the person she used to be.
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2. Ninja Storm
I know this is a really popular show for Power Rangers so I wouldn't be surprised to see this show and maybe even this character introduced soon to the line. Dustin played the part of the comedic relief character in a show where everyone seemed like a comedic relief character, so his constant antics and jokey demeanor were really fun to watch. I also like the idea of colors not being assigned to genders in the series and having a yellow ranger be a male for a change was a nice change of pace.
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1. Dino Thunder
We finally got the introduction of Dino Thunder to the line with the white ranger being leaked and released overseas, now I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of the team to be released as well so I can put together one of my favorite seasons of the show! Kira was a great yellow ranger and showed a lot of growth throughout the season as she opened up to the other characters. Her ranger uniform looked awesome and the ptera themed helmet is going to be great in figure form.
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