Top 5 most wanted Transformers updated Beast Wars figures vol 5

Getting so many Beast Wars figures all in one year during the Kingdom toyline was a true dream for fans of the series, and while the stream of Beast Wars figures has been reduced to a trickle, we've still gotten some fantastic additions to the cast in the past few years. Tarantulas and Inferno concluded our season 1 cast, while others like Tigerhawk, Silverbolt, and Dragon Megatron have done a lot to further the universe of the toyline. With the toyline now giving attention to every universe in the Transformers franchise it is expected that output each year from each Transformers universe will be low, but these are what I hope to still see down the pipeline for Transformers Beast Wars!

5. Transmetal Tarantulas

Thus far Megatron is the only one we've received an alternate form of and out of the foot soldiers of the Predacon army I think that Tarantulas' upgraded form was a sick redesign and his transformation into a car was paired very well with his spider form. He also happens to be my current favorite of the Predacon ranks, making me a little biased towards wanting to see another release of this character. 

4. Season 2 Megatron and Optimus Primal

More redesigned characters that would fit right in with the toyline would be Optimus Primal and Megatron based off of their season 2 designs. For Megatron that would mean finishing out his looks from the series, with his roller blading T-Rex design being one of my favorite silly abilities the Decepticon leader has displayed. Optimus Primal on the other side of things is another iteration of the great leader that will always be present in Transformers' toylines, so I'm fully expecting this version to get an updated voyager class figure in the near future. 

3. Quickstrike

With Silverbolt checked off in the line I'm hoping to see the other season 2 addition brought to figure form in modern day before too long. With an over the top personality and a nuts beast design, Quickstrike was easily one of the most memorable additions to the cast and would be perfect for a deluxe class release down the line. 

2. Depthcharge

Personally my favorite addition to the Maximal cast later on in the show was Depthcharge, a warrior was an ongoing rivalry against the next slot on the list, and one whose alternate mode was aquatic based which we don't often see in the line. With a character like Tigerhawk getting a leader class figure after his brief appearance in the series it gives me hope that more present characters like Depthcharge could be seen too.

1. Rampage

Out of all the later additions to the cast Rampage is by far my favorite, an ultra powerful Predacon whose size and might rivalled that of even Megatron to the point that the Predacon leader needed a tool that would allow him at any time to crush Rampage's spark! His crustacean alternate mode would be another very unique transformation in the line, and I think he would be perfect for the first Beast Wars commander class figure in the line!


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