The Flash S06 EP19 season finale spoiler review

We recently got the impromptu season finale for the Flash's 6th season on the air, and it'll be our last Flash episode for a while so it was what left us with thoughts to cover the next several months until season 7 is put into production and released. Despite being an unintentional finale, the episode had a lot of merit as the final episode of the season and appropriately wrapped up a few big storylines while leaving a lot of cliffhangers for us to dwell on. So with a fair amount to talk about, here is my review of the Flash's season 6 finale.
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First off, there was no Atlantis in this episode like I was afraid of and I don't think Cisco was even mentioned by any of the characters, making this the first season finale not to include him. Other barely used characters included Caitlin/Killer Frost who had a couple scenes with Caitlin's mom who was working towards healing Killer Frost of her wound. I haven't been a fan of how they've handled Killer Frost recently, and having her just kind of mope around on the couch afraid to talk to Caitlin's mom seemed a bit immature. Caitlin's mom made a comment at one point about how she wished she had another scientist to help her and I thought, maybe Caitlin is just stuck inside and can't come out? But at the end of the episode it is Caitlin in command but it still seems like she's wounded, so I'm not sure exactly why Caitlin couldn't help her mom. She left though at the end of the episode to get better, so that was her exit for the season.

The main meat of the episode revolved around Barry trying to protect Joseph Carver from his wife who is now on the prowl looking to kill him. At first, he blows off Barry's offer to help, stating that he has his own league of bodyguards; however, once Sunshine, Doctor Light, and Ultraviolet are all captured and turned by Eva he ends up caving to Barry's offer. He is brought to the police department where mirror Singh arrives to take him into protective custody, and on the side offers Barry the chance to have Eva return his wife in exchange for Carver's life. Barry hesitates, seemingly contemplating this idea, and Nash makes the move to teleport them all back to STAR labs. Harry appears to Nash Wells, and Nash passes on the message to Barry that every Wells he knows tells him that Barry wouldn't consider one person's life to be expendable. Barry blows up on Nash, exclaiming that he has to save his wife while Nash asserts that Iris would never want another life traded for her own (though Carver is a pretty bad person). The team then bring Carver back to McCulloch industries to Carver's personal safe room while they wait for ARGUS to come and bring Carver into protective services. Carver activates a force field around the building after the civilians are evacuated, and they begin to wait.

Separate from all this, there is actually a good chunk of Ralph in the episode which is always a good thing for the show! Early on in the episode Ralph and Barry investigate a warehouse of Carver's that ends up being burned down by the mirror version of Singh, along with the files of blackmail on Sue's parents that Ralph found inside. He invites the Dearbon's to his office to tell them he found Sue; however, Sue appears with them and she fed her parents a story about going on a mission retreat the whole time. Ralph and Sue talk alone for a moment, where she reveals that Carver just decided to let her parents off the hook. This turns out to be a lie by the end of the episode though, as Ralph finds Sue inside Carver's building during the climax. It turns out she agreed to join Black Hole in order for Carver to back off of her parents, but she only joined to get close to Carver in order to kill him. Ralph implores her that killing isn't the way, only for Sue to use a special gas and knock him out.

The power goes out in the building, and Sunshine, Doctor Light, and Ultraviolet arrive for Carver. Not mirror versions either, but the real deals that turned to Eva's side. A wild fight takes place between Eva's trio of villains against Carver's private security and team Flash (including Sue). The whole set piece used a new kind of split screen style that hasn't been used on the show before, and it definitely spiced up the entire thing though the all of a sudden raw newness of it jarred me a little bit. At the same time, Eva dons her new supervillain outfit and confronts Barry outside Carver's safe room. She incapacitates him with a cannon formed from her suit's arm, and then attacks Carver with several shards of mirror. Barry dashes in front to takes the hits; however, Eva used her powers to heave one of the larger shards straight through Barry's body and into Carver who dies from his wounds. I loved this scene and the pure intense savagery made the moment stand out. With Carver dead, Eva orders her followers to stand down and she leaves, having completed her goal and having no reason to fight Flash.

With the conclusion of the episode, we saw Eva come out to the public with the story of being held captive by terrorists for six years and that she will be taking over the company in the wake of her husband's death. She also frames Sue Dearbon for the death of her husband which was a really surprising reveal that got me excited for hopefully more of a focus on Ralph and Sue in the next season. I would like to know why Eva specifically targeted Sue though, especially after leaving Flash alone since she really had no bad beef with him. Does she know Sue exists really? With Carver's death, we also got Joe back from the witness protection program! The final bit we are left with is a conclusion to the mirrorverse scenes we got following Iris and Kamilla which admittedly weren't that many. Iris manages to focus on the screens of the world and find out where Singh likely is, though it presses on her psyche plenty and she ends up vanishing. Was she freed from the mirrorverse? Turned invisible?

For being an intentional season finale, season 6 felt like it went out on a really good note. While the Iris cliffhanger definitely didn't feel strong enough to be a season finale, everything else was very grand and emotionally drawing as season finales usually are. The final confrontation between Eva and Carver was intense, and I loved the dynamic that Eva really doesn't care about Barry and even left him alive after she did what she was there to do. Barry basically doesn't factor into anything she is doing, which is so different from all the previous big bads of the show. I loved the amount of Sue and Ralph we got after this season would go many episodes without Ralph even present, and I'm hoping the twist with Sue being framed means we will get more of them next season. She is shaping up to be one of the most interesting big bads we've had on the show and I'm excited to see what is done with her in the beginning of season 7! Could this be the beginning of a storyline where the city sees Flash as a villain when he tries to go after Eva? It'll be a long wait to find out, but I'm excited to see where things go next!


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