Most wanted Power Rangers from each Zordon era show in Hasbro's Lightning Collection

Hasbro's line of new Power Rangers figures has become an instant hit in my collection and for a lot of other fans! It has gotten me back into watching Power Rangers and working my way back through all of the series! A lot of great stories and characters are being reintroduced to me and getting this new line of highly articulated, graciously accessorized figures is a real treat! To further celebrate this line, I'm looking through each era of Power Rangers content and deciding which ranger I want most from each show based on what has been done so far and what hasn't been done! So with the original Zordon era up first, here are my most wanted rangers from the first four shows of Power Rangers history!
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Mighty Morphin: Zach
This show has easily been the most well stocked of the line so far, and it has barely been out for a full year! All of the main cast have been done, along with several of the villains and supporting characters! At the same time, it is easy for me to decide which figure I want most from the show and that'll have to be a non armored version of Zach. The one we got is wearing the dragon armor from Tommy which only happened once in the entire show, and I'd really like a more standard look for the character that would fit in with the rest of the team! It would be an easy repaint of the existing Mighty Morphin body they've been using, and I hope we get it soon to properly complete the original roster!
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Zeo: Adam
Out of all of the new rangers introduced through Mighty Morphin and Zeo with the team shake up, Adam became my favorite of the new comers. I loved his attitude, his personality, and his shyer demeanor compared to the other members of the team! The Zeo suits are among my favorite in the franchise due to their odd helmet designs, and with the Gold and Blue rangers already out, I'm hoping the team is on Hasbro's current radar to finish out. I'm really hoping for the Zeo green ranger soon, Adam, who would be only our second green ranger in the line so far!
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Turbo: Justin
I know a lot of fans aren't fans of Turbo, and the line hasn't been touched at all so far by the line, but I really enjoyed the series, especially when it hit the halfway point and switched up the long standing roster! While characters like Carlos and T.J. I wold prefer in their In Space uniforms, Justin is the only character to exist solely in the Turbo season and one I'm very interested in seeing the line do! Would he come with no unmasked headsculpt? If he did it would look odd on an adult body, and I'm not sure Hasbro would feel comfortable releasing a child version of him to an audience who largely disliked his character. So this is one I'm looking forward to see handled in the line.
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In Space: Cassie
Watching In Space, it quickly became my favorite show thus far and has remained in that spot after several of the later shows. I absolutely love the rangers of the season, the comedy, the villains, and by far the plotline that culminated in a massive finale for the entire Zordon era! The ranger from this show that stuck out most to me though was Cassie Chang, the pink ranger. She was extremely funny, had lots of great episodes in the series focused around her, and she remains as one of my favorite rangers of all time! She also played a major role in the Lost Galaxy crossover, with her and Kendrix teaming up to fight the Pink Psycho!
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