Top 5 most wanted Marvel Legends Gamerverse figures

Something I wasn't quite expecting recently from the Marvel Legends line was such a focus into the video games of the universe! More specifically, the recent Spiderman and upcoming Avengers games. From the Spiderman game so far we've received a couple of the available suits from it, and we've received several of the upcoming heroes from the new Avengers game along with a villain in Abomination. I like this variety to what we're getting, and I hope it continues with more characters from these videogame universes! In fact, I have five in particular I hope get figures soon!
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5. Avengers: Hulk
I'm putting this character at the bottom simply because we already have a figure for this character from the game, albeit a more wild looking version with a beard and body paint which does look amazing and so different from any Hulk we've gotten in recent times! I still hope for a standard Hulk from the videogame world, and it could possibly even reuse a lot of the tooling from the outback Hulk.
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4. Avengers: Black Widow
Another character from the upcoming Avengers videogame, I don't know a whole lot about the game as a whole but with the team being started already I would like to see it finished through. Black Widow has gotten a lot more popular in recent years thanks to the movies I believe, and with her own live action movie meant to be released this year it has caused an increase in the Black Widow figures being released by Hasbro. Throwing the videogame version makes sense as another Black Widow, and one that also belongs to a video game releasing this year.
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3. Spiderman: Villains
The Spiderman game that came out and easily become one of the best Marvel videogames to come out and fans have been clamoring for more! One of the best part of the game were the villains you faced throughout, and having to fight each of these iconic foes who got amazing redesigns for this new universe! Negative Man is obviously one of the breakout hits from the game, and could easily reuse the suit body mold Hasbro has been using for years. I would like to see more of the unique designs though, like Electro, Shocker, and Rhino who could be used as a build a figure!
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2. Avengers: Thor
The final member of the Avengers from the new videogame (as far as we know barring any game reveals) is Thor. I've seen people make fun of the design for the discs on his chest but I think that it looks cool and different from a lot of the other Thors we have gotten in the past. The look of paneling on the armor, slight chain mail in places, and the overall Asgardian look of this figure makes it stand out in my mind from the other characters in the game and it is also one of Marvel's more popular characters as well!
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1. Spiderman: more Spiderman suits

Probably one of the most likely videogame figures for us to get will continue to be the various Spiderman outfits that were in the 2018 Spiderman videogame. There have been so many versions and costumes for Spiderman over the years and the ones included in the game barely scratch the surface of what is out there, but the popularity of the game gives a good outlet for the skins included and the game original advanced suit and velocity suit both look incredible as figures, along with the comic based Mk. III armor! Ones that stick out in particular to me includes the Fear Itself suit for its neon blue look, the Negative suit for the same pop out color style that could be replicated or copied from a potential Negative Man figure, and the Undies suit would just be a funny figure to have made and the line has proven it isn't shy from doing figures in their underwear after the boxer version of Deadpool. The Resilient armor is another cool looking game original armor, while other cool comic book based armors are the Mk. I suit and the Aaron Aikman armor. Then two stand out skins from the game that are at the top of my most wanted Spiderman skin list induce the very spooky Spirit Spider and the apocalypse-esque Cyborg Spiderman!
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