Top 5 most wanted NECA Gremlins 2 figures vol 2

Earlier this year at Toyfair NECA announced that they would be returning to Gremlins 2 as part of their currently running Gremlins line. With the announcement, we were treated once again to the prototypes of the Greta and tattoo gremlin figures that were revealed and then cancelled years ago. It will be awesome to finally get these figures into the collection, especially Greta who will be very different from all of the other Gremlins on the display! Along with those two, we're getting a new version of the brown gremlin from the movie to army build for group shots! My excitement for the reintroduction of Gremlins 2 has me back making an updated list for the Gremlins I want most from the movie, and here are the new 5 I've decided upon.
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5. Climax party Gremlins
To start off I'm going with the general category of all of the Gremlins seen in the climax of the film partying in the lobby of the Clamp building before being electrocuted and melted. So many variations could be made from this scene alone to supply the line for years! The gremlin wearing the "I love New York" shirt would be a good use of soft goods over a body, the recent puppet accessories that are included with the Flasher gremlin could be replicated to make an Igor puppet for the second movie, and among the crowd we got an alternate outfit for Greta wearing a dazzling red dress. There's also the potential for a figure of a gremlin in the middle of spawning more gremlins! That would make for an incredibly unique and stand out sculpt, along with a melting gremlin which was one of the cancelled figures long ago.
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4. Updated versions of George, Daffy, and Lenny
When figures for the movie were made years ago, the line wasted no time in giving us the primary group of gremlins from the movie (with Mohawk coming years later). I still have those original three figures of Lenny, George, and Daffy, but having new versions for new collectors would be great and I would love for them to be in the "ultimate" fashion with updated articulation and more accessories. A bazooka for Lenny, a pan for George, whatever additional items they can come up with!
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3. Secretary
This is one scene in the movie that really reminded fans of the original film, and almost doesn't quite fit in to the second for that very reason. The fight between Clamp and the receptionist gremlin was a brutal one that ended with the gremlin being shredded in the paper machine! The line could easily do this one by making a basic sculpt for a generic Gremlins 2 green gremlin and overlay it with a removable red soft goods!
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2. Brain
Whenever people ask for a figure of this gremlin, collectors will be quick to point out how NECA made a figure of him long, long ago when they first started out making Gremlins figures. However, a long time has passed and with today's advancements in articulation it would be awesome to get a new version of this integral villain to the second movie, especially as that old figure isn't quite obtainable now by easy means. Yet another instance of being able to use a generic body and add onto it with cloth goods, the Brain would definitely be an easy and popular figure for NECA to do.
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1. Vegetable Gremlin
More than any other Gremlin from the second movie I'm waiting on NECA to make a figure of the vegetable mutated gremlin. The gremlin was so different from all the others and completely unique on the lines of the bat gremlin and electricity gremlin who have both already received figures! Hopefully with the money NECA has made from the Gremlins 1 figures who are essentially the same sculpt every time, they have some left over to go ahead with a one off unique sculpt like this one!
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