Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Batman: Arkham videogame figures

With wave 2 of Mcfarlane's line of DC action figures he is quickly going into  the videogame world of DC comics with Batman and Joker from Arkham Asylum. The figures look great and I cannot wait to pick them up! I grew up on the Arkham games, and seeing them introduced into the line is awesome, especially so early on. DC's previous offerings for the games were great, but a lot of them lacked articulation definitely in the early days of Arkham Asylum while later offerings were hit or miss on that front. I doubt Mcfarlane's offerings for the games will become as deep and comprehensive as previous versions, but new figures for the games is something I gladly welcome as the first two figures look amazing. So with hopes for more down the line, here is my list of top 5 Arkhamverse figures I want from Mcfarlane toys.
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Top 5 most wanted Jokers in Mcfarlane's DC Multiverse line

5. Arkham Origins: Joker
I would line a variety of characters before we get multiples of the same (even if that is already currently happening in the line) but if we were to get another Joker the obvious one for me from the games would be the version of the character from Arkham Origins. I loved this younger rendition of Joker as well as the introduction to his relationship with Batman, with one of my favorite moments being Joker questioning why Batman saved him from a fatal fall. The more wild look to the hair is one of my favorite design aspects of the character, and Joker is always a popular character to put on shelves.
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4. Harley Quinn
Next up is the clown's sidekick in crime, Harley Quinn. She was present throughout all four of the Arkham games in some capacity and is my favorite version of the character in a world that gives her a lot of overexposure and silly spotlight. If I had to pick a design for the figure they make of her, I would likely go with the version of her from Arkham Asylum as I like the way the game blended her classic look with a nurse's outfit, making for a more unique appearance to her.
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3. Scarecrow
Playing Arkham Asylum, Scarecrow was definitely one of my favorite villains to run across and his mind manipulation levels were very different from everything else you have to play against. They provided a good way to showcase Batman's backstory without retreading it too much, and the famous alternate opening sequence gag where it looks like the game has broken and restarted is one of the best moments in my opinion of the entire series! I found Scarecrow less enticing in the Arkham Knight game as you didn't encounter him very often, so if I had my pick I would for sure go with the creepy, gangly, sack headed Arkham Asylum version of the character.
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2. Batman (City, Origins, and Knight)

Now, I know there are a lot of people out there already who are complaining that the line is already overstuffed with Batmen. I admit, there are a ton, like, a whole lot compared to other characters in the line but I can't fault Mcfarlane for going after a popular character. I just have to roll with what they're doing for now, and hope at the least we get versions of Batman that make for great figures which so far, they have been. Batman has very distinct looks throughout each of the games in the series and I hope to complete the whole Batman roster eventually. I love the less upgraded, padded, more primitive version of the suit we get in Origins as well as the devilishly teched out, seamless suit we get in the final game of the series, Knight.
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1. Deathstroke
One of the absolute best fights in the entire series goes to Deathstroke from Arkham Origins. It was a complicated, hard played fight that really keeps you on your toes and proves the strength and ferocity of Slade Wilson. It was a shame he only appeared for that portion of the game, and then ended up completely wasted in Knight as simply a tank driver rather than a proper fight. The level of articulation Mcfarlane imposes on these figures would surely make Slade's one of the best in the whole line especially with how agile his in game character is, and with Slade's more consistent look across all media the figure could potentially slide into a comic display as well.
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