Top 5 most wanted Hasbro Ghostbusters figures

Ghostbusters was a surprising new addition to Hasbro's license of figures to make, and the figures in their first wave look really incredible! It makes me excited for the line to potentially continue, and for all of the potential characters to get Hasbro figures that follow suit with the really great offerings in wave 1! With this new toyline coming out, and an interesting looking new movie coming out, Ghostbusters is bigger than it has been in a while and here are the top 5 figures I hope to come out in this new line!
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5. Stay Puft
This would be a perfect choice for a Haslab project based on this franchise, but I'd also go for a big figure or even a build a figure because we'll probably never actually get an in scale Stay Puft figure with his size in the movie. I've always loved this ghost from the movies and his role in the climax of the first movie, and with Gozer and the dog beasts already in the line we have to finish the antagonists from the first movie!
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4. 2nd movie outfits
This would be an easy way to fill up a line and also to keep the main characters around longer. For the second movie their wardrobe didn't change all that much but they did get a color swap for their outfits that saw them wearing darker grey uniforms rather than the tan look from the first movie. The second movie isn't as well received by fans, but there's no doubt that the main cast themselves are popular enough to sell the second movie outfits.
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3. Vigo
The villain of the second movie was a genuinely frightening and unsettling villain with a lot of great moments throughout the first film. His possession of Ray was a scary use of effects, and the character design overall would make for a great figure as well with loads of details and sculpting work possible.
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2. Louis Tully
One of the funniest characters in the first and second movies was Louis who was caught up in what was happening in the first and became a more involved character in the second. Either of the movie's looks for this character are one's that I'm interested in seeing in the line. His disheveled look from the first movie would go well along with Dana and Gozer, while him in his Ghostbusters outfit from the sequel is a nice design as well.
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1. Ghosts
This franchise is all about the ghosts, and I will be surprised if the line doesn't start to involve more ghosts aside from the main villains of the franchise! Slimer is an absolute must, along with the library ghost. Something perhaps unlikely is that I hope they start to do updated versions of a lot of the ghosts from the original vintage line of figures! A lot of which weren't actually from the series, but all really cool designs on their own.
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