Top 5 most likely Star Wars the Black Series figures vol 3

Star Wars the Black Series line continues to be one of the best detailed, best looking line of figures on the market and its highly varied offering of characters from movies, tv shows, and games means that there is likely something for any Star Wars fans. Though this random picking of characters may seem random at times, popular demand for certain characters means they will be made before others, and that the likelihood for some characters makes them more highly probable to see life in the line sooner rather than later. I've made two lists already about what I thought were the most likely figures to come to the line, and from my last list we've had reveals/releases for the Sith Jet Trooper, the Hoth Rebel, Zeb, and more Luke Skywalker figures. So I've put together a third list of the characters I consider most likely to receive Black Series figures next, and here are the ones I settled on.
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5. Prequel characters
The love for the prequels have been strong in the line with the past couple of waves, especially with the next wave comprised solely of characters from Attack of the Clones. While the newly revealed wave following it seems to have backed off the heaviness of prequels offerings for the moment, I have no doubt that we'll be getting more very shortly. Major characters like Jar Jar and the Jedi council would all make for amazing characters, not to mention the different Separatist droids waiting to be done and the legions of possible clone repaints!
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4. Clone Wars characters
We were promised more Clone Wars content in the line because of the return of Clone Wars to the television screen, and while we really haven't seen much yet aside from the Kamino clone trooper in a wave later this year, I do think we'll be getting more. An entire line could be made out of the clone troopers that appeared in the show, with Echo and Fives being stand outs, while other characters have certainly left major marks on the history of Star Wars like Cad Bane, Ventress, a Clone Wars version of Ahsoka.
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3. Lobot
If there is one movie in the Star Wars franchise that has been getting a lot of love this year, it is Empire Strikes Back. That makes sense with this being the 40th anniversary of the movie, and so many great figures have been made to fill out the missing bits of this fan beloved film! One that has still not been revealed by Hasbro is Lando's sidekick on Cloud City, Lobot. This is arguably the biggest left undone at this point from the movie, and his appearance provides such a contrast to the others in the line. He is a man not wearing armor or a jacket, but a strange amalgam of a vest and a shirt with poofy sleeves. The mechanical piece revolving around his bald head is definitely the most stand out design fixture though, making for potentially one of the more interesting head sculpts.
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2. Incinerator trooper
I think that the line is probably in for a lot more Mandalorian figures after the huge success of the show, but one that I'm anticipating more than any other is the Incinerator Trooper seen in the season finale! This was a cool, menacing Stormtrooper that brandished a heavy flamethrower and gave us one of the coolest Baby Yoda scenes in the whole first season. This would also be an easy one to do, and give us another use of the new Stormtrooper mold as a repaint of that to achieve this look, while adding the flamethrower as an accessory. Troopers have always been the most abundant figures in this line, so with a new one available to cover Hasbro likely won't wait.
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1. Endor invasion Luke Skywalker
With the reveals and releases of Dagobah Luke, Snowspeeder Luke, and Jabba's Palace Luke recently, that leaves us with one last possible Luke to be made in the Black Series based off of his original trilogy appearances (barring the unlikely to be made Bacta tank undies look). It may also be one of the easiest to do, as it is his initial look when he arrives on Endor in the middle of the sixth film to infiltrate the Empire's defenses. The green Endor ponchos have always been an iconic look from the original trilogy, and the speeder chase scene one of the most exhilarating, so while they may just take the figure of Luke in his black outfit from that movie and throw a poncho over it, it works to give us one of his best look, and also potentially photo real to that original Throne room showdown figure!
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